Topic on Extension talk:LDAP Authentication

AD authentication with Kerberos login issue

3 (talkcontribs)


I'm trying to set up Kerberos login without protecting the entire wiki. I used the extension's Kerberos configuration example.

Normal LDAP login is working. When I open the special Kerperos_Login page on my wiki I see the Audit success kerberos logs in the AD event logs related to my Linux machine. There is no apache error either. In the apache access log my username appears when I visit the Kerberos_Login page.

The keytab file is fine, I tested it with the klist command and the proxy user has the SPN in AD with the respecting service name.

My problem is that the user hasn't got logged in after visiting the Kerberos_Login page.

What am I missing? How could I debug this problem?

Thank you in advance!


AD - Windows Server 2012 R2

Linux with mediawiki - Ubuntu 16.04 x64

Mediawiki -  1.26.2

PHP - 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.1

MySQL - 5.7.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.2

LDAP Extension version - 2.1.0

Respective configuration:

apache2 config:

<Location /mediawiki/index.php/Kerberos_Login>


AuthType Kerberos

AuthName "Kerberos Login"

KrbMethodNegotiate On

KrbMethodK5Passwd Off

KrbLocalUserMapping On #Implemented in 5.4, strips @REALM from username

KrbAuthRealms HOME.LOCAL

KrbServiceName HTTP

Krb5KeyTab /etc/apache2/krb5_http.keytab

require valid-user



require_once ("$IP/extensions/LdapAuthentication/LdapAuthentication.php");

require_once( "$IP/extensions/LdapAuthentication/LdapAutoAuthentication.php" );

$wgLDAPDomainNames = array('home.local-AD', 'home.local-KRB');

$wgLDAPServerNames = array('home.local-AD' => 'win2012r2.home.local', 'home.local-KRB' => 'win2012r2.home.local');

$wgLDAPAutoAuthDomain = 'home.local-KRB';

$wgLDAPSearchStrings = array('home.local-AD' => 'home\\USER-NAME');

$wgLDAPEncryptionType = array('home.local-AD' => 'ssl');

$wgLDAPUseLocal = false;

$wgMinimalPasswordLength = 1;

$wgLDAPBaseDNs = array('home.local-AD' => 'OU=Users_Home,DC=home,DC=local', 'home.local-KRB' => 'OU=Users_Home,DC=home,DC=local');

$wgLDAPSearchAttributes = array('home.local-AD' => 'sAMAccountName', 'home.local-KRB' => 'sAMAccountName');

$wgLDAPLowerCaseUsername = array('home.local-AD' => true, 'home.local-KRB'=> true);

$wgLDAPRequiredGroups = array('home.local-AD' => array('CN=Mediawik_Users,OU=Users_Home,DC=home,DC=local'), 'home.local-KRB' => array('CN=Mediawik_Users,OU=Users_Home,DC=home,DC=local'));

$wgLDAPGroupUseFullDN = array( 'home.local-AD'=> true, 'home.local-KRB'=> true);

$wgLDAPGroupsUseMemberOf = array( 'home.local-AD'=> true, 'home.local-KRB'=> true);

$wgLDAPGroupObjectclass = array( 'home.local-AD'=> 'group', 'home.local-KRB'=> 'group');

$wgLDAPGroupAttribute = array( 'home.local-AD'=> 'member', 'home.local-KRB'=> 'member');

$wgLDAPGroupSearchNestedGroups = array( 'home.local-AD'=> true, 'home.local-KRB'=> true);

$wgLDAPGroupNameAttribute = array( 'home.local-AD'=> 'cn', 'home.local-KRB'=> 'cn');

# Proxy user

$wgLDAPProxyAgent =  array('home.local-AD' => 'CN=USERNAME,OU=Users_Home,DC=home,DC=local','home.local-KRB' => 'CN=USERNAME,OU=Users_Home,DC=home,DC=local');

$wgLDAPProxyAgentPassword = array('home.local-AD' => 'PASSWORD','home.local-KRB' => 'PASSWORD');


Legaulph (talkcontribs)

I'm having the same issue

MediaWiki 1.25.5

PHP 5.6.5

LDAP Extension version 2.0d (talkcontribs)

I haven't solved this yet. Could somebody please post a working Kerberos configuration sample so I can compare with my setup?

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