Topic on VisualEditor/Feedback

VisualEditor changing Section names while using extension Discussionthreading

1 (talkcontribs)

I'm using both the VisualEditor and the DiscussionThreading extension. Discussion Threading shows the section links "New" "Edit" "Reply" to manage discussion threads. After refreshing a Talk page these links are shown for a second or so. After that they are replaced by "Edit source" "Edit source" "Reply". It looks like VisualEditor adapts the page and changes the section link names (the underlying links are not changed and do function). If I disable VisualEditor the section link names are not changed. I tried various combinations of tabMessages in LocalSettings.php but eventually I solved this in a quite rude manner by disabling the following line in: /var/lib/mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor/modules/ve-mw/init/targets/

if ( tabMessages.editsectionsource !== null ) {

//Tom20160624 commented out:  $editSourceLink.text( mw.msg( tabMessages.editsectionsource ) );

}. Suggestions for a more elegant solutions would be appreciated.

Kind regards,


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