Topic on VisualEditor/Feedback

Images not displaying in Editor

Summary by Elitre (WMF)

Fixed Parsoid problem.

FrostyForrester (talkcontribs)

When a topic has been created with an embedded image in its body, then is saved and subsequently the page edited again the image appears as a 'broken image' frame.

If I Copy Image Address 'URL' appears as '' as an example.

However if I change the image to the same image again the URL doesn't change but the image displays as expected within the editor.

I am sure this is likely a configuration issue but some help in resolving this would be appreciated.

FrostyForrester (talkcontribs)

Well, I hold my hands up. It was an issue with how I had parsoid configured. Basically, although it was running it wasn't being loaded correctly by the VisualEditor or Wiki, so it was breaking everything. It looks clean and tidy now!