Topic on Extension talk:WikiEditor

How can I disable the "publish to {{SITENAME}}" popup upon clicking Publish?

Axonn Echysttas (talkcontribs)

Is there any way to disable that popup from appearing every time I click the "Publish" button? This is the text of the popup:

"Please note that all contributions to <MY WIKI NAME> are considered to be released under the Creative Commons Zero (Public Domain)"

And yes, the title of the popup is obviously not rendering correctly :).

NikusPokus (talkcontribs)

Edit the file « extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js »

Line 146 and 147 comment the following code:

//$( '#' + dialogID ).dialog( 'open' );

//return false;

Tolvic (talkcontribs)

Do you know what files needs to be to be edited to change the message that is shown?

Do you know what file I would need to edit to fix the "publish to {{SITENAME}}" header?


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