Topic on Extension talk:VisualEditor

Parsoid Error - Failed to parse the JSON response

2 (talkcontribs)
 error: Failed to parse the JSON response for Config Request path: /kb/Main_page
 ParserError: Failed to parse the JSON response for Config Request
   at ApiRequest._handleBody (c:\xampp\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\extensions\parsoid\lib\mediawiki.ApiRequest.js:249:11)
   at ApiRequest._requestCB (c:\xampp\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\extensions\parsoid\lib\mediawiki.ApiRequest.js:214:8)
   at Request.self.callback (c:\xampp\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\extensions\parsoid\node_modules\request\request.js:123:22)
   at Request.emit (events.js:110:17)
   at Request.<anonymous> (c:\xampp\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\extensions\parsoid\node_modules\request\request.js:1047:14)
   at Request.emit (events.js:129:20)
   at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (c:\xampp\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\extensions\parsoid\node_modules\request\request.js:998:12)
   at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:129:20)
   at _stream_readable.js:908:16
   at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)

Here are the details:

Guista (talkcontribs)

I got the same error after I installed the 'php.ini-development' config file provided with my PHP 5.6.29 install dir (renamed 'php.ini'). Before this, I was running without config (using the built-in defaults) and everything was working fine.

I binary searched the faulting key and found that the 'error_reporting' key under section '[PHP]' was causing the problem.

Commenting the key in 'php.ini' worked for me:

;error_reporting = E_ALL
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