Topic on Talk:Structured Discussions

"Preview"/"Vorschau" is the wrong name, or better: it's the wrong link

Sänger (talkcontribs)

There's a line called "Wikitext verwendet Markup und du kannst jederzeit eine Vorschau des Ergebnisses anzeigen." (Dunno how it's in english), that is utterly wrong. It's not a preview, it's just a switch to VE, and that's something completely different. Especially as there is a special button for switching to VE.

Either change the text (not preferred) or use a proper preview there, without VE.

Sänger (talkcontribs)

Just tried it with english setting, and it's called: "Wikitext uses markup and you can preview the result anytime.", so again a wrong, deceitful wording. It ain't a preview, it's just VE. (talkcontribs)

And VE is just an editable preview.

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