Topic on Talk:Structured Discussions

"View board" in notices should link to specific conversation, not the entire page

LuisV (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I just got a notice that someone had replied to my thread via the notice popup. Yay! When I clicked "view board", it took me to the top of the page rather than to my specific conversation. Boo. :(

My expectation from other systems is that I'll go right to where I'm actually having the discussion, and then later I can scroll up/down if I want to see other new discussions in the same topic/board.

MPinchuk (WMF) (usurped) (talkcontribs)

LuisV (WMF): Well, you clicked on "View board" and that's precisely what the notification took you to – the entire board :) If you click on any other part of that notification, it will take you to the specific topic where you were replied to, and if you click on the "post" link, it'll take you to the specific post.

But it sounds like what you're saying is that the "View board" call to action is too prominently highlighted and maybe not even really useful in this context. Totally valid point. I'll add this to the backlog of notifications-related things to run by Design.

Nicereddy (talkcontribs)

Maryana (WMF): I think the issue is that it took him to the board, but not to the specific topic he wanted whilst still on the board. It'd be like a wikilink to "Barack Obama#Presidency", which is expected to lead you to the "Presidency" section whilst still loading the rest of the content, leads to the top of the Barack Obama page as a whole.

LuisV (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Nicereddy: little bit of both? "View board" was the first thing that looked like an action or clickable, so that is what I clicked on, which goes to User:Maryana (WMF)'s point. (I might have phrased it as "not obvious you can click on the rest of the notice" but they are sort of two sides of the same coin). But your point is also correct, in terms of my current expectation about notifications - I think of them as a way to interact with specific conversations/people, not entire groupings of information like a board? That might not be the right expectation; or it may be an outlier; but that's my thought process at the moment. :)

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