Topic on Extension talk:Lingo

not working with MobileFrontend

Koemski (talkcontribs)
F.trott (talkcontribs)

Hmm, I can not see any difference, seems to be the same screenshot both times. Also, which versions of MW and Lingo are you using?


F.trott (talkcontribs)

Oops, sorry, I see the difference now. I had Javascript deactivated.

StasR (talkcontribs)

Add in LocalSettings.php:

$wgMFRemovableClasses['HTML'][] = '.tooltip_tip';
Koemski (talkcontribs)

works with (hypen instead of underline) - tooltips get removed

 $wgMFRemovableClasses['HTML'][] = '.tooltip-tip';

thanks! (talkcontribs)

does not work here. Any other hints?

This post was posted by, but signed as anon.

Dan.mulholland (talkcontribs)
F.trott (talkcontribs)

I reworked the structure and styles of Lingo. It would be great if somebody could install the latest master and give me an update on this bug.

VictorClaessen (talkcontribs)

I installed git commit 6d86e76ee41349d90be947ee9181a7f6b1b8327a from master on mediawiki 1.30 and none of these things work. The tooltips render as separate lines at the bottom of the page. I have not been able to suppress them.

VictorClaessen (talkcontribs)

Oh wait you can suppress them with: $wgMFRemovableClasses = [ 'base' => [ '.mw-lingo-tooltip' ] ];

F.trott (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the update, Victor. I'll add it to the config instructions.

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