Topic on Extension talk:SphinxSearch

Where is SphinxSearch_body.php "etc."

Maximilianklein (talkcontribs)

In step 8.2 of install you are supposed to: "Copy all remaining files of the extension (SphinxSearch.php, SphinxSearch_body.php, etc.) to your extensions/SphinxSearch directory." But the only files that come with the latest extension download are: LICENSE sphinx.conf SphinxSearch.i18n.php SphinxSearch_setup.php README SphinxMWSearch.php SphinxSearch.php

So where's SphinxSearch_body.php, let alone the rest of what's supposed to be in etc? Maximilianklein (talk) 21:20, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

FreedomFighterSparrow (talkcontribs)

This is simply an old piece of documentation - since version 0.8, the files have changed. I updated the list to the best of my knowledge. However, you don't need to worry about that - the "copy the rest of the files" part is the important bit anyway, whatever they are :-)