Topic on Talk:Article feedback

Horrible wording of post-feedback pop-up

SteveO1951 (talkcontribs)

I am "exasperated and perturbed", to put it politely, concerning the pop-up that appears after a person inputs through the feedback tool. The pop-up asks "Do you know you can edit this article?". It then does not permit the user to answer that question. Therefore: PLEASE DON'T ASK the QUESTION. Fro theavailable responses, one can infer that the real question being asked is "Would you like to edit this article?" in addition, the available responses are just two: "Edit Now" and "Maybe Later". That does not begin to cover an appropriate scope of responses the thoughtful user might want to make. How about "Yes, I know that I CAN edit this but NO, I am never going to edit this"?

The entire pop-up leaves me with a bad taste of WP being incompetent and manipulative. Because I don't have that impression too often about WP (and I spend a LOT of tie contributing), I think WP will want to "rework" the pop-up.

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