Topic on Extension talk:HTMLets

Trouble relocating the htmlets directory

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

I've had the extension working with the htmlets directory located in the default location under the "wiki" directory. Wanted to move the htmlets directory to the root of my server so I can open up ftp directories without giving access to the htmlets directory. Entered the following in localsettings.php:

$wgHTMLetsDirectory = "http://localhost/htmlets/";

Used ?action=purge on the test page but still I get error message. Is there something very simple I'm overlooking (I'm new with all this stuff)?

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Kassoe.

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

Well, what do you mean by root - the file system root, or the document root? the URL above refers to the document root.

Anyway, unless you want to access htmlets on a different server, it's better to use an (absolute) file path instead of a URL, for example "/htmlets/" or some such. This would refer to the htmlets directory directly in the file system root.

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Duesentrieb.

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

Hi Duesentrieb, thanks for fast response - was not familiar with the localhost concept and did not find enough explanation when looking around. I guess I mean "the file system root" but "http://localhost/htmlets/" was what I got from your help text. Just tested again and still haven't solved it.

When localsettings.php has $wgHTMLetsDirectory = "$IP/htmlets"; I get the htmlets served ok from /public_html/wiki/htmlets

When localsettings.php has $wgHTMLetsDirectory = "/htmlets/"; I do not get htmlets served, neither when locating the htmlets-directory in the server root shown in my ftp-progam as /htmlets nor when locating it as /public_html/htmlets. I wonder if "root" is really "root" - I run the site hosted with Siteground (I see the locations the same way when checking through their web-based ftp interface).

Again, I'm not really familiar with server concepts, I might be doing something wrong. The file permissions are shown as the exact same for all three locations of the htmlets-directory (-rw-r--r--).

Any hints?

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Kassoe.

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

The "root" you get from your FTP program is probably not "the" filesystem root, but simply your home directory or somethign similar. Ask your host what the actual file path is.

Alternatively, you can do this: $wgHTMLetsDirectory = "$IP/../../htmlets"; that's "two up from where the wiki is, and then into the htmlets dir".

What I don't quite get is... you want to open ftp directories? but hopefully not in a why that would allow others to manipulate your wiki files. that would be kind of bad...

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Duesentrieb.

Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

Great, thanks Duesentrieb. The "two up"-approach worked. No, I will open up ftp only for one or more external developers ... I need a little help, as you can gather ;-) and will soon be looking around for someone who'd be interested for pay.

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