Topic on Extension talk:FlaggedRevs

Revisions remains the same even if included templates are changed

3 (talkcontribs)

We are building a CMS around mediawki and we need to have signed logs of page readings, with the ability to freeze a page we can record the revisions number and it will "contain" the revision number of transcluded page

But I cannot find all the information I need

In order to make this "freeze" work there must be a add-on to the database, otherwise how can a page "know" which version of template to call? There might be another way, storing in the database the expanded text and forget about links So I wonder how does it work?

This post was posted by, but signed as levreauj.

Levreauj (talkcontribs)

Here is how I think it is working

There is a table (called "flaggedtemplates") that links a particular flagged edit page with all of it's templates, it links not only with the templates names but the template revision ID. With the "freeze" option of FlaggedRevs nothing will channge in the calling page until the template revision is approved and even then for the update to appear on the calling page it has to be re-approuved. At this re-approval of the calling page the flaggedtemplates table is updated, the version of the calling page remains the same but the field for the template revision ID is updated. I don't know where the comment for the re-approval goes...

Choshi (talkcontribs)

Dont know if I understood your question but is that you're asking? "I'm changing the template but anonymous users do not see the recent changes to that template". If so, add the template namespace to Localsettings, e.g: - $wgFlaggedRevsNamespaces = array( NS_MAIN, NS_FILE, NS_TEMPLATE, NS_PROJECT, NS_CATEGORY, NS_HELP ); And then re-update all the reviews by running /flaggedrevs/maintenance/reviewAllPages.php 4 Where 4 is the user ID of a reviwer (your own, e.g.). Hope it works. I had this situation and this fix worked.

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