Toolserver:Account approval process/for reviewers
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[edit]- See the List of pending account requests and pick one. New requests are in the state open.
- Check that the request is ok with the rules. If it's totally off, click "reject" under "Workflow" at the top.
- If the request is worth considering, assign it to yourself (use the "Assign to Me"-button at the top).
- If there is not enough information yet to approve the request, click "feedback needed" at the top to ask for feedback. The request then enters the state In Review.
- If you decide that the request is not acceptable, you can still reject it later.
- When there is sufficient information to approve the request according to the approval policy, use the "Approve, request informations" link at the top to approve the request. The request then goes into the state Waiting for customer. For normal it is a good idea to accept only request that are 3 days or older.
- When you do this, you are responsible for making sure the request complies with the approval policy!
- Please use text from the box below to ask for the needed information.
- at the same time, you can change the request's security level to "only reported and project developers", so private information does not become visible to others.
- When the user answered using the "insert information" link, the request will be in the state resolved (note: this is wrong and will in the future be changed to accepted or some other more suitable state).
- if the information is still incomplete, use the "incomplete"-link to go back to waiting for customer.
- if all info is there, use the "complete"-link and assign the request to Simetrical (Aryeh Gregor). The request will be set to the in progress state.
- if the user just added a comment instead of clicking "answer", the state will still be Waiting for customer. In that case, you can still use the "complete" link to move on. If there is still information missing, just add a comment and leave the request as waiting for customer.
- should something unexpected come up, you can still reject the request.
- After receiving the personal information, set the visibility of any comment containing such information to "reviewers". you can do that by clicking "edit" on the comment. Note that the reporter will no longer be able to see his/her own comment. If the entire ticket was set to be private, this may not be necessary.
- Your job is done
- Simetrical will create the account and use the "confirm creation" link to set the request into the state done.
please click on the _Insert informations_ link at the top and insert the following data about you:
- Your preferred login-name (see [Rules|]):
- Your eMail-address:
- Your real-name:
- Your mother-language:
- Your wiki username (if you have one):
- Your home wiki (if you have one; e.g.,
- The default license for your tools:
- Your freenode-nick (if you have one):
Please also attach your [SSH-Key|] by using the _attach file_-link at the "more actions" down-drop-menu at the top.
If you prefer you can send your personal data (real-name and eMail-address) in a mail to Please include the ticket-ID (ACCAPP-XXX) in the subject.