Topic on VisualEditor/Feedback

issue with <tag> extension

Pzirnik (talkcontribs)

In a private wiki (1.24.2) i have a self programmed extension that adds a new tag to wiki language, example: <mytag> The extension does return its content wrapped in <div></div> and therefore is editable via visual editor. Everything is working perfectly as long as i use a "begin"-tag and a "end"-tag with some content in between, like:

<mytag option="value">sometext</mytag>

In many cases it is not needed at all to have some content between begin and end tag, so it is possible to write the tag in "short" notation, like:

<mytag option="value" />

However when the "short" notation is used, after editing the tag with visual editor and nothing has been added in content field (is still empty), the complete tag will be removed.

Is this a known limitation of visual editor or do i need to fix my extension to make it properly editable in visual editor ?

Thanks for any hint in right direction.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Well, I don't know, so I've filed a bug report just in case. At least in theory it ought to be possible, because the <references /> tag is supported. User:Neil P. Quinn-WMF might be able to track down the answer.

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