Topic on Extension talk:OpenID

[SOLVED] How to login with OpenID in private wiki?

Jskang (talkcontribs)

I have a private wiki. I chose 'private' type when I set up wiki.

So, codes like below was automatically inserted in 'LocalSettings.php' file.

# Disable reading by anonymous users
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;

And after install OpenID extension, I clicked "Log in / create account with OpenID" link,

but it says "You must login to view other pages."

This means, "read permission is required to view the 'OpenID Login page', but anonymous user doesn't have read permission"

How can I solve this dilemma?

Jskang (talkcontribs)

I whitelisted the page 'Special:OpenIDLogin' in LocalSettings.php like this :

$wgWhitelistRead = array("Special:OpenIDLogin");

The page name(title) depends on default wiki language($wgLanguageCode in LocalSettings.php).

Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

If I understand correctly, you solved your problem. Is this correct ?

Jskang (talkcontribs)

Oh.. I forgot to say that's solved. Yes, now anyone can access the page "Log in / create account with OpenID" even if the wiki is private.

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