Hi, I have a lan wiki with auth on active dir 2003, and everything is fine.
now I am building a "private" wiki on the same server (ubuntu 12.04/apache2), same active directory, wiki version is 1.21 and ldap extension g013532 (from git repo) REL1_21 I got it to work but I fear it is not creating sqlite tables, since
when I enter valid user/pass, I got the error "1: no such table: ldap_domains" and mediawiki page says that query "SELECT domain FROM ldap_domains WHERE user_id = '2' LIMIT 1" was generated by "LdapAuthenticationPlugin::loadDomain" caused that error.
I also applied suggestion reported here http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LDAP_Authentication/Suggestions (page bottom), about "case 'sqlite':". but didn't help
I feel that sqlite tables were (and are) not generated correctly, since if i list tables in sqlite3 (ubuntu cli) i find only the following tables: " archive category categorylinks change_tag external_user externallinks filearchive hitcounter image imagelinks interwiki ipblocks iwlinks job l10n_cache langlinks module_deps msg_resource msg_resource_links objectcache oldimage page page_props page_restrictions pagelinks protected_titles querycache querycache_info querycachetwo recentchanges redirect searchindex_segdir searchindex_segments site_identifiers site_stats sites tag_summary templatelinks text transcache updatelog uploadstash user user_former_groups user_groups user_newtalk "
I don't know how to debug what's not working
Any hints? Thanks, Marco