Talk Pages Project
Verbessere die Kommunikation im Wiki, indem du die Standard-Diskussionsseiten weiterentwickelst.
This page talks about the Editing Team's work to improve how contributors communicate on Wikipedia using talk pages.
Sie enthält Informationen über die Ziele dieser Arbeit, über die bisherigen Bemühungen, die sie beeinflusst haben, und darüber, warum die Entwicklung von Gesprächsseiten im Moment Priorität hat.
Aktive Initiativen
In diesem Abschnitt führen wir die Projekte auf, an denen aktiv gearbeitet wird, und Informationen darüber, wo und wie sie derzeit eingesetzt werden.
Each project is an effort to improve contributors' experiences communicating productively on Wikipedia using talk pages.
Teilweise abgeschlossen Requirements for user signatures (aktiv) : Codify custom user signature requirements to increase the reliability of talk page features.
In Arbeit Benutzerfreundlichkeit (aktiv) : See a new layout and information to make it easier to assess discussion activity.
Completed projects
Erledigt Antwortwerkzeug (aktiv) : Reply to talk page comments in one click.
Erledigt New Topic Tool (aktiv) : Start a new topic without needing to leave the page you are on.
Erledigt Benachrichtigungen (aktiv) : Receive notifications when people post new comments in specific discussions.
Erledigt Mobile (aktiv) : New functionality and appearance to make participating on talk pages comfortable on smaller screens.
Erledigt Permalinks - link to and locate talk pages comments and topics everywhere they are referenced.
Deployment status
Please visit Talk pages project/Deployment Status to learn if and how Talk Pages Project Features are available at each Wikimedia Wiki.

Previous updates were posted to the the “Updates” subpage. The team used this page to share information about new feature development, deployment plans and questions. Updates for individual features were posted to subpages for the feature, e.g., at Talk pages project/Replying#Updates.
The other two places you might consider checking for updates are:
- Phabricator – to see into the team's daily work.
- Editing Team Newsletter
Wikipedia depends on contributors collaborating, and communication is an important part of the collaborative process.
Trouble is, communicating on Wikipedia happens on talk pages which can be challenging for contributors across experience levels to use.
Contributors with more experience report being slowed down by having to do something manual in order for other contributors "to know who posted what, and when, so they can follow the thread of a conversation, post on a user talk page if appropriate, and even just know whether a posting is recent enough to be worth responding to."[2]
Newer contributors on the other hand, find basic tasks, like replying to a comment, confusing. In some instances, these contributors even confuse talk pages for article pages.[3]
The Editing Team has two key objectives with this project. To create tools that:
- Make it more intuitive for newcomers to communicate with others so they can grow into productive contributors.[4]
- Give experienced contributors more leverage to communicate and coordinate their wiki work with others.
This project is an outcome of the 2019 Talk Pages Consultation, a 5-month long effort that brought volunteers on 20 wikis, across 15 languages and four projects (Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata and Wiktionary) together with members of the Wikimedia Foundation to share their experiences with existing wiki communication tools and to help develop improvements to them.
The Talk pages project supports the Wikimedia Movement's Medium Term Plan. Specifically, the plan's Thriving Movement priority area which strives to "welcome and support newcomers." We think newer contributors learning and progressing depends on their ability to communicate with more experienced contributors, and by extension, to use talk pages intuitively.[4]
The talk pages project glossary is intended to help us all communicate about talk pages more effectively by making sure we have a shared understanding about the words we use in our discussions and documentation throughout the project.
Many projects have, and are, working to improve contributors' experiences with talk pages. This particular project is better off for their existence. Some of the projects the team continues to learn from are listed below.
If there is a project and or resource you think we should be aware of, please say something on the talk page.
Talk page projects:
- Convenient Discussions
- Discussion tools in the past
- Moderated Testing, November 2014: talk pages and Flow
- Flow satisfaction survey
- Reply-link (en.wiki)
- Reply Links (pl.wiki)
- Konsultation zu Diskussionsseiten 2019
Häufig gestellte Fragen
When will the new version of talk pages be released?
There will not be a "new version" of talk pages that will get released all at once. Instead, this project will be made up of a series of incremental improvements that will be released over time.
How are talk pages going to change?
- Some features may involve introducing new wikitext.
Although, any changes to wikitext will be limited to those that enable new features that benefit contributors. Features like replying to specific comments or watchlisting particular discussions.
- Potentially changing where the "Discussion" tab exists on the page
- Potentially changing where metadata – that currently exists atop some talk pages – is presented
Related pages
- Erweiterung:DiscussionTools
- Reply Tool visual mode limitations
- Extension:DiscussionTools/How it works
- Special:ChangeContentModel - for admins who need to disable Strukturierte Diskussionen on a talk page for testing
- Extension:DiscussionTools/New Topic Methods - for checking how the New Topic Tool handles custom workflows for starting new talk page sections
- Feature summary
- Existing tools
- Glossar
- Hilfe:DiscussionTools
- New topic
- Participate
- Partner wiki discussions: