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Talk:Wikimedia Hackathon 2023/Flow

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Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 post-event survey

LLacroix-WMF (talkcontribs)

Hello all,

In this document, you will find the summary of the results of the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 post-event survey. We hope that this will be useful to organize future events and to other stakeholders involved in organizing technical events.

Travel: train and other non-flying tips and support

Spinster (talkcontribs)

Hello organizers, thanks for taking the lead in this :-)

I have a request related to environmental impact for the hackathon.

When preparing travel tips for the hackathon, would it be possible to research and recommend ways to reach Athens by train (and other non-flying transport) from Europe? If I would attend the hackathon, I'd prefer coming by train (from the Netherlands, where I live), even if it's a multi-day trip, to avoid the carbon emissions attached to flying. I have already researched this a bit myself, but my regular international train planners don't provide me with any suggestions to reach Athens... I'm sure it's possible, but it'll need research, and I think it would be great if the organizing team can help us with that. I can imagine things like:

  • Which international train lines go into Athens on a daily / regular basis?
  • From which European cities is it most convenient to take trains to Athens?
  • How frequently do these trains go?
  • Where should one book tickets for international train trips like this (including the last leg inside Greece, to Athens)?
  • Are there environmentally acceptable alternatives to train for Europeans, e.g. bus lines, even ships? If so, which ones?

In addition: I think such options will generally be more time-consuming and more expensive than flying, but I think it would be great if e.g. scholarships would be 'forgiving' re: this extra cost, and even encourage non-flight options despite the extra price.

Thanks for considering this!

LLacroix-WMF (talkcontribs)

Hi Spinster, and thanks for bringing this topic to the table!

In the upcoming weeks, we will expand the documentation pages related to travel, and we will make sure to include details about how to come by train and other transports. Suggestions and direct improvements to the page will of course be welcome :)

As for the scholarships, we are also investigating on how we can support people who want to avoid taking the plane, if it's possible from their departure location.

I will keep you updated as soon as there are news on this topic.

Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 dates/location?

Summary last edited by BDavis (WMF) 17:24, 29 November 2023 1 year ago

Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 will be in Tallinn, Estonia on 3–5 May 2024.

Novem Linguae (talkcontribs)

Hello. Any whispers about when and where the Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 will be? I am starting to build my calendar for next year and I want to try to avoid schedule conflicts. Thank you.

OOnifade-WMF (talkcontribs)


Thank you for getting in touch with us! We're excited to share that the hackathon is scheduled for May 2024. Currently, we're actively exploring suitable locations with "easier" visa application process for those who wish to attend.

We anticipate announcing the official location and event dates sometime between October and November 2023.

Thanks, (talkcontribs)

right I am also interested in going

Khokha Ali (talkcontribs)
Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Registration, program & satellite events reminder

SSethi (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hello all,

Sharing a few updates related to the upcoming Hackathon:

Registration: If you have already registered to attend the Hackathon in May, please confirm your attendance as soon as possible. You may have received an email already with instructions on how to proceed (see email sent by hackathon@wikimedia.org on March 13th). Some slots are also available for folks who want to register and manage their own travel and stay.

Satellite events: If you are interested in organizing a local or online satellite event around the hackathon, you can apply for a grant until March 20th: https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/03/13/organizing-a-wikimedia-hackathon-2023-satellite-event/.

Session proposals: Unlike the previous years, the organizers will set the session agenda in advance and cannot accommodate a first come, first serve format as there are limited rooms in Athens. If you will be attending the event on-site and considering proposing a session or workshop, now is the time :) The deadline to submit a proposal is April 4th.

More information is available on the Hackathon wiki: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2023.

Registration and scholarship application open

LLacroix-WMF (talkcontribs)

Hello all,

We are now opening the registration form that also includes an optional scholarship application form open until January 14th.

Registration is required to attend the onsite Wikimedia Hackathon in Athens. The registration form remains open until we reach the capacity of the venue (around 220 people). The event is free of charge - participants are expected to book their travel arrangements individually, unless they are granted a scholarship.

You can register here by getting yourself a (free) ticket for the hackathon! (see also the detailed instructions)

In order to support the technical community and participants from diverse backgrounds, the Wikimedia Foundation provides scholarships that cover travel and accommodation for a selected number of technical contributors. The application form is part of the registration process, and is open until January 14th. You can find more information about the scholarship process, committee and criteria on the related page.

The registration and scholarship application form runs with Pretix, an open source third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the privacy statement.

If you’d like to connect with others on plans for the hackathon, the talk page and the other channels listed here are good places to get started!

If you have any questions or issues with the registration form and/or the scholarship application, feel free to reach out to the organization team on the talk page or at hackathon@wikimedia.org.

For the organization team,

Léa Lacroix

Organization should be split into two

Al12si (talkcontribs)

The Organization tab currently treats two topics: telling participants how they should behave (code of conduct) and introducing the organizer

The two things are pretty unrelated. Making them one tab makes the tab heading difficult to translate. I suggest the page be split into two.

Tar Lócesilion (talkcontribs)

If anything, per Miller's law, I'd strongly encourage to bare in mind that the number of tabs should be limited. Perhaps some information might be reshuffled.

LLacroix-WMF (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your feedback. I don't think there's enough content on the page for now to split it, but in the future, for example when we will expand the section about the helpers roles, it will probably make sense to split it.

The scholarship application phase is now closed

LLacroix-WMF (talkcontribs)

Hello all,

The scholarship application phase closed on January 14th, it is not possible to apply for a WMF scholarship anymore. People who applied for a scholarship will be notified of the result around January 31st.

To verify if you applied for a scholarship during your registration, you can find this information in the email you received from Pretix that contains a link that allows you to view or edit your data. If this data included the add-on "scholarship application", then you successfully applied and your application will be reviewed in the upcoming days.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us here or at hackathon[at]wikimedia.org.

Save the date: Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 in Athens, Greece, on May 19-21

LLacroix-WMF (talkcontribs)

Hello all,

On behalf of the Technical Engagement team at the Wikimedia Foundation, I’m very excited to let you know that after three years of online and hybrid editions, the Wikimedia Hackathon is about to go back “IRL”, and will take place on May 19th to 21st in Athens, Greece.

The Wikimedia Hackathon is an annual event to bring the global technical community together to connect, hack, and explore new ideas. Technical contributors from all around the world come together to improve the technological infrastructure and software that powers and benefits the Wikimedia projects. The 2023 edition is organized by the Wikimedia Foundation, in collaboration with the local Wikimedia affiliate, the Wikimedia Community User Group Greece.

This edition of the Wikimedia Hackathon will focus on bringing together people who already contributed to technical aspects of Mediawiki and the Wikimedia projects, who know how to find their way on our technical ecosystem, and who are able to work or collaborate on projects rather autonomously. People who’d like to get started as technical contributors are very welcome to look at the list of newcomers-friendly events and resources to start being involved on technical projects.

Most of the Wikimedia Hackathon will take place onsite, but some elements of the program will be broadcasted online. Local communities are also welcome to organize pre-hackathon events or meetups. In the upcoming months, you will find on these pages information about how to attend, the venue, travel, accommodation, and scholarships.

As a next step, registration and scholarship applications will open at the beginning of December. Updates will be posted regularly on this talk page. Stay tuned and feel free to share the information to your fellow Wikimedia technical contributors.

If you have any questions or would like to reach out to the coordination team, feel free to contact hackathon@wikimedia.org or start a thread here.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you again at the Hackathon onsite, and we hope that you are also excited to join and hack together!

Akbarali (talkcontribs)

Could not find the scholarship option, When I filled the application.

Information about Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 satellite events

SSethi (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hello everyone,

If you are interested in organizing or joining a hackathon event, but cannot attend the in-person Hackathon event in May in Athens, Greece, this email is for you!

We encourage communities, user groups or chapters to organize satellite events connected to the in-person Hackathon. These events are to be organized autonomously and share the hackathon's purpose: bringing the global technical community together to connect, hack, run technical discussions, and explore new ideas.

You can work with your wiki community to organize these events before, during, or after the main event to onboard newcomers to the technical aspects of the Wikimedia movement, hosting watch parties or meetups in your region to offer an alternative to people who cannot join the in-person event in Athens.

To obtain help with organizing an event, you can apply for funds via the Rapid Grants maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation. The deadline to apply for funding is March 20. When preparing for your event, you can reach out to the Hackathon organizing team for support with resources, designing the program, and guidance on getting involved in the global event.

Learn more about the satellite events, funding process, and a checklist for organizing on the Wikimedia_Hackathon_2023/Satellite_events wiki page.

Omotecho (talkcontribs)

Great invitation, and would you be generous enough to offer the link page for translation please? Refurbished Rapid fund application itself is not yet user-friendly IMHO, as far as the basis of grant giving/application differs from culture to culture. I'd await the ping that the link page, and of course, this page, be offered for translation. No consensus from among the circle of translators, tho, and crossing my fingers ppl will jump in to make things localized/ture to our Movement Stragegies/Initiatives. Cheers,

SSethi (WMF) (talkcontribs)

@Omotecho Thanks for bringing this up! I see that the satellite events page has now been marked for translation. If you have the admin rights, feel free to mark the main page as well for translation. If not, I will ping someone to make a request for the same.

Omotecho (talkcontribs)

Would you nudge someone and it will be great to see the main page ready for translation. No admin rights I have. FYI, I tried to bring ja translation to the linked page. Hackathon is not my area, and I am thinking a few rubbing their palms among ja community!

Organizing a Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 satellite event

SSethi (WMF) (talkcontribs)

If you cannot join us for the in-person Hackathon in Greece this year, you can organize a satellite event with help from your local Wikikmedia community around the duration of the Hackathon. The deadline to apply for grant funding is March 20th. Learn more here for some ideas.