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Talk:Content translation/Flow

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I need help adding a header and sources

Lulubrooklyn (talkcontribs)

The Portuguese language page has "predefinitions" which are not available in English. I am new as Wikipedia editor and struggling to add the information that's missing. It is an article about a band which I translated from Brazilian Portuguese, and I can't get the callout box with the band info, and don't know how to insert it manually. The same goes for the external references.

1234qwer1234qwer4 (talkcontribs)

You seem to be talking about templates, which indeed may exist in one language edition of Wikipedia but not another. Since this talk page is mainly for providing help with technical issues of the content translation tool (and since you did not provide links to the specific templates you are having problems with), you are unlikely to get assistance here, and you should look for advice on the wiki you are translating to (i. e., the English Wikipedia), for example by asking relevant WikiProjects.

Reply to "I need help adding a header and sources"

Talk: content translator

Ece Turkmut (talkcontribs)


I am currently working on adding a Turkish translation to the Intimacy Coordinator page. As a professional book translator, published author, and the only Turkish-speaking Intimacy Coordinator, I initially intended to create entirely new content for the Turkish page. However, it seems that translating the existing content and refining it afterward would be a more effective approach.

That said, I keep encountering warnings that I’m unable to resolve. The page suggests using Google Translate, but direct translation isn’t possible as some titles and terms don’t exist in the Turkish film industry. As we are in the process of introducing this role to Turkey, I believe having a page in Turkish is crucial.

I would appreciate any assistance with this matter.

1234qwer1234qwer4 (talkcontribs)

What exactly are you asking for? This talk page is for discussing technical issues with the content translation tool. You do not need to base your final text on any machine translation.

Reply to "Talk: content translator"

Doctrina de Seguridad nacional

Felix Willka Puma (talkcontribs)

It*s no possibel to translate!. Please Help us. Where ist the Biographie from Charles Maetching? She is disapered. Desaparecio la hoja con la biografia de Charles Maetching

1234qwer1234qwer4 (talkcontribs)

Which article are you trying to translate from which language into which?

Reply to "Doctrina de Seguridad nacional"

Automatic edit filters have identified problematic content in your translation. Filter hit: Content Translation Edits

Nafpeg (talkcontribs)

There is an issue while I am trying to publish my translation of "Clair de Lune" article from English to Kazakh languages. The following message hit whenever I am trying to publish.

I use Microsoft Edge Browser, and I do not use "Google Translate" instead "Copy Original Content" as method. I have translated whole page to 100%. There is no significant changes into text, simple translation.

Following issue regarding to browser console:

Mismatch in restored translation has progress. Saved progress was: {"any":1,"mt":0.84,"human":0.16000000000000003}

I have tried to change methods of translation, but it didn't help.

Otherwise translation is really good made by me. What can I do?


Ulas Yergali (talkcontribs)

Менде де сондай ақау шығып тұр. Мен де бір мақаланы қазақ тіліне аударғым келген еді. Алайды ешбір жерде бұл сұрақтың жауабын таба алар емеспін((( (talkcontribs)

Иә. Осы уақытқа дейін неліктен олай болғанын түсінбедім. Сіз жауабын таптыңыз ба?

@Ulas Yergali

Reply to "Automatic edit filters have identified problematic content in your translation. Filter hit: Content Translation Edits"

Problem with publication of translated page

MarsJson (talkcontribs)

I translated page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATS_Messaging

Extended it content, added citations.

And I can npt publish it. System says "В русской Википедии использование инструмента перевода доступно только автопатрулируемым.

I applied, but it is strange that I need to get extra approval for doing translation. And at the same time I can create new page not doing translation, without extra approvals, etc.

May be there is an workartound for above mentioned problem. Please advise if workaround indeed exists.

UOzurumba (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hello MarsJson,

I am not sure there is a workaround; the ruwiki has set this rule. In the meantime, you can save the translation in your personal draft space pending when you become an autopatroller.

Best regards.

MarsJson (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your comment. I am still wondering whom I should contact to speedup (or simplify) process.

Reply to "Problem with publication of translated page"

Full translation at once

Azozoalis (talkcontribs)

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I'll try anyway. What can I do to translate an entire page (from English to Spanish, specifically) at once? Because every time I try to translate a page, I can only do it section by section. I ask this because I often see how other users translate entire pages in one go.

Reply to "Full translation at once"

Problems in Iban Content Translation

Song GK (talkcontribs)

Hi, I notice several problems while trying to do translation using the Content translation tool.

1) References

The references don't show up (or in gray colour) unless you put something on it like a space. Compared to Malay Content Translation, the references just appear automatically (and in blue colour). Several templates, like cite web template don't work even if we link the template to the Wikidata database. During translation, one might need to add in the template manually to fix the issue and it could be so tedious.

2) Template

Some templates don't show up in Iban translation, although the templates exist in both languages. We have to manually edit the template right after the translated article is published, and it is not a convenient process.

3) Autotranslate feature

Even Iban is now in Google Translate, the feature is not enabled yet in Iban language. Although it is not t a major issue, I would appreciate if this feature is enabled.

I hope these matters can be resolved soon to improve the experience of editing using this tool.

Reply to "Problems in Iban Content Translation"

Madurese Content translation

Bennylin (talkcontribs)

Please enable Content Translation in Madurese Wikipedia into Madurese language.

UOzurumba (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hello @Bennylin,

The Content and Section translation tools are enabled for madwiki unless you are referring to another wiki. Thank you!

Bennylin (talkcontribs)

yes, but when one tried to translate, it translates to Indonesian language, not Madurese language.

Bennylin (talkcontribs)

maybe it's a setting problem? or is it policy problem (the community need to agree to, or vote to enable translation to Madurese language, not Indonesian)?

Bennylin (talkcontribs)

so far it hasn't been used precisely because of that, but the community didn't know that it wasn't normal until I gave Wiki training to their community, and this problem came to my attention.

Bennylin (talkcontribs)

left (source) is in Indonesian, right (target) language is also in Indonesian.

Reply to "Madurese Content translation"

Translation on Simple English Wikipedia

Lukestanley (talkcontribs)

I noticed that a version of the Artificial general intelligence article did not exist on Simple English Wikipedia and I was considering creating it. Then I was (automatically?) suggested to try the translation feature. It defaulted to French, which was not helpful to me, I have no indication in my User Agent that I should be able to understand French so that is a questionable default, so then I selected English source and Simple English target.

But it seems that this is not a supported language, it says "translation services not available".

It would be nice if there was a machine translation model for a subset of English.

I was a bit surprised that the disambiguation text suddenly appeared but it kind of makes sense, however, I would prefer to have a simple outline of the body of the article in place first so I discarded this. I was also surprised that after I got rid of it, I couldn't see a way to add it back, should I want to do so, which is a little unforgiving.

I figured out how to add the sections of pairs and replace them as needed.

I was a little surprised to see that there was a definition (from WikiData?) shown right below the submitted article, but it's not clear that is because of the Content Translation tool.

Reply to "Translation on Simple English Wikipedia"
Summary by UOzurumba (WMF)

This issue has been resolved as indicated in this thread.

Maria Fullana de València (talkcontribs)

La pàgina m'apareix en blanc. Què puc fer?

Cdehesa906 (talkcontribs)

Hay un problema general

Cdehesa906 (talkcontribs)

Parece que arreglado

Maria Fullana de València (talkcontribs)

He perdut molt de treball.

Cdehesa906 (talkcontribs)
