Letture/Web/Miglioramende a l'inderfacce desktop

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This page is a translated version of the page Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements and the translation is 65% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Onne passate 12 anne da quanne avène destribbuite 'u teme predefinite de Uiccimedie de osce a die (Vector). Jndr'à l'urteme decennie l'inderfacce ha state arricchisciute cu estenziune, gadget e Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Interface/JavaScript#Personal scripts script de le utinde. 'A maggiorparte de chiste non g'ere coordinate visivamende o 'mbrà le uicchi. Jndr'à 'u stesse tiembe, 'u design d'u web e le aspettative de le letture e de le utinde onne cangiate. Penzame ca ave arrevate 'u mumende de pigghie quacchedune de ste idee e carresciarle jndr'à l'esperienze predefinite de tutte le utinde, sus a tutte le uicchi, jndr'à 'nu mode organizzate e coerende.

L'obbiettive nuèstre jè quidde de fà le uicchi Uicchimedie cchiù accogliende e ausabbele pe le letture, stepanne 'a lore utilità pe le condrebbuture esistende. Mesurame l'aumende d'a fiduce e d'u sendimende positive respette a le nostre site e a' lore performance (p.e. l'ause de struminde comune cumme 'a barre de recerche e le collegamiende inderlènghe).

Mò, sus 'a maggiorparte de le uicchi, sulamende le utinde reggistrate ponne partecipà individualmende. Sus a certe uicchi, le cangiamiende nuèstre sò 'mblemendate pe tutte de base e le utinde reggistrate ponne scacchià de disattivà (opt-out). Stè aumendame 'u numere de uicchi addò Vector 2022 jè 'u teme predefinite, 'nzigne a quanne le miglioramende nuèstre avènene attivate de base sus a tutte le uicchi.


Novèmmre 2023: Visual changes, more deployments, and shifting focus

Before (?vectorzebradesign=0)
After (?vectorzebradesign=1)

New styling inspired by Zebra prototype

As part of Zebra #9 prototype, which we wrote about in the last two updates, we introduced two kinds of visual changes: color-based area separation, and other CSS modifications. As we reported previously, the A/B test didn't prove that the color-based separation was an improvement. We focused on the other CSS modifications instead, and we're implementing these changes now. To preview the difference, you may use URL parameters: ?vectorzebradesign=0 (without the changes) and ?vectorzebradesign=1 (with the changes). The changes are:

  • Dropdown menus (the sidebar, table of contents, user menu, and tools menu when not pinned) have a lighter outline and drop-shadow.
  • The "sposta nella barra laterale"/ "scunne" buttons in the dropdown menus have a gray background instead of the square brackets.
  • The main menu no longer has a gray background when it is placed in the side column (when it's pinned). Instead, all menus have the same appearance when placed in the side columns.
  • The left and right columns have equal width.
  • Due to the change above, the content width gets slightly narrower when menus are pinned in both columns.
  • The gap between the table of contents and content area is smaller.

In mid-November, we shipped these changes to the following Wikipedias: French, Catalan, Hebrew, Polish. We are planning on introducing these changes across all the wikis within 2-3 weeks. These will enable future modifications, like the Accessibility for reading menu.

Continuing deployments of the Vector 2022 skin

A video about Vector 2022

Since our last update, we have changed the default skin on a few Wikipedias: Dutch, Hindi, Hungarian, Norwegian (bokmål), and Swedish. We have also released a short video about the skin. In addition, after receiving all logos from our Design team, we were also ready to continue the wide-scale deployments on sister projects.

  • The Vector 2022 skin is now the default on all non-English Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikiquotes, Wikiversity, as well as on Meta-Wiki.
  • We are continuing conversations and scheduling deployments to the remainder of sister projects, beginning with non-English Wikisource, Wiktionary, and Wikivoyage.

Some of these projects may need adjustments, like default settings for limited/full-width at namespaces unique to Wikisource. Gadgets or user scripts may need to be updated, too. We gladly make fixes or assist in making them, depending on whether changes need to be made in the skin itself or a community-controlled code. Reach out to us on the Desktop Improvements talk page or write directly to SGrabarczuk (WMF) if you have any questions or requests for further changes.

Focusing on further desktop and mobile readability improvements

The team has shifted focus onto the Accessibility for reading project. We will work on improvements in typography and introduce dark mode to the Vector 2022 and Minerva skins. Please visit the project page for more details and information on how to get involved.

Settèmmre 2023: Results from the Content separation (Zebra #9) A/B test

In June 2023, we ran an experiment which compared different content separation layouts of the interface. This prototype shows the tested design; we're calling it "Zebra". The goal was to improve readability and focus on the content of the page. The experiment tested the prototype design and compared it to the current all-white Vector 2022 design. The results of the experiment showed:

  1. A 3% increase in pageviews per session in the treatment group attributed to Zebra
  2. A 3.4% decrease in edits per session in the treatment group attributed to Zebra
  3. A 17% decrease in the click rate of the table of contents
  4. An 87% increase in the page tool pins per session

After reviewing the settings of our test, we did not find any issues that would result in data inconsistencies. Next, we studied other factors which might affect the results of the test. We noticed that a significant amount of the decrease in edits and pageviews came from screen sizes narrower than 1200 px. We combined these results with the results of our user tests. These did not indicate significant differences in readability between the test and control designs.

Our conclusion was that the prototype did not, in its tested form, improve readability and could negatively affect edits. We decided not to proceed with the deployment of this prototype in its tested form. Instead, we plan to improve readability and focus on the content through the following:

  1. Introducing changes to the typography, focused on improving readability and content comprehension. This is the goal of the new project, Accessibility for reading
  2. Introducing improvements to Zebra, optimizing for narrower screens, and repeating the tests.

Qual è l'obbiettive nuèstre?

Immaggine 'nu uardarobbe

Mò, l'inderfacce...

...non ge corresponne a le aspettative....jè disordinate e manghe induitive....non ge mette in evidene l'aspette comunitarie....non g'è coerende cu 'a versione mobbile.

  1. L'inderfacce desktop, non ge corresponne a le aspettative ccrejate da le piattaforme web moderne. Ce se sende disoriendate e disconnesse. Le collegamiende de navigazzione e 'nderfacce sò organizzate a uecchije.
  2. Stu casine non ge face congendrà le utinde sus a quidde ca avèrene a ffà. Jè comblecate pe le letture congendrarse sus a 'u condenute. Pe lore non g'è possibbele cangià lènghe jndr'à 'nu mode induitive, cercà condenute o cangià le 'mbostaziune de letture. Le condrebbuture nuève non ge sò in grade de ausà 'a lore 'nduizione pe 'mbostà 'u probbie cunde, aprì l'editor o 'mbarà a ausà le pàggene ca non ge sò vôsce pa moderazione.
  3. Sulamende 'na percenduale piccenna piccenne de letture capisce cumme funzionane le uicchi de Uicchimedie. 'Nu sbuènne de letture non ge sò consapevole ca 'u condenute ca stonne a leggere jè scritte da volondarie e aggiornate assaije vote, o ca pure lore ponne condrebbuì.
  4. 'A distanza granne 'mbrà le esperienze su l'inderfaccia desktop nostre, sus a le app e sus a 'u web mobile face addevendà comblecate pe le letture nuèstre collegà le prodotte. Manghe 'n'aunità congettuale 'mbrà le site Uicchimedie.

Accumme avènene fatte le cangiamiende


Non ge tuccame 'u condenute. Non ge luame nisciuna funzione. Non ge tuccame otre teme a parte Vector. Ne ispirame a le gadget ca esistone. Non ge facime cangiamiende granne jndr'à 'nu passagge sulamende.

  1. Ste fatiame sulamende sus a l'inderfacce. Non g'avene fatte nisciuna fatìe in termine de modelle de stile, strutture de le condenute d'a pàgene, supporte de le mappe o modelle 'mbrà le uicchi.
  2. Le teme diverse da Vector non ge trasene jndr'à ste cangiamiende. Avime cristallizzate Vector cumme Legacy Vector e amme accumenzate a distribbuì le funziune nuèstre cumme parte d'u Vector nuève de base.
  3. Pure ca le cangiamiende nuèstre se 'ndrucane facile facile, ste ausame 'n'approcce evolutive e vulime ca 'u site condinue a parè famigliare a letture e condrebbuture. Ogne funzione avène descusse, sveluppate e destribbuite separatamende.
  4. Jè 'ndenziona nostre testà le miglioramende nuèstre facennene dà 'na màne da 'nu gruppe misckate de uicchi ca volondariamende accettane de essere adottande precoce, sie ca corresponnene a une de le ediziune lenguisteche de Uicchipèdie sie ca rappresendane pruggette frate.
  5. Sie apprime d'u sveluppe ca apprisse 'u lange de ogne funzione cugghime date (ausanne de le test A/B, de le serie de segnalaziune sus a le prototipe, ecc.). Ce le resultate so brutte assaije luame le cangiamiende.
  6. Avime analizzate 'nu sacche de uicchi e avime notate assaije gadget utile. Quacchedune merite securamende de essere mise in evidenze e de fà parte de l'esperienze utende predefinite.
  7. Le elemiende de l'inderfacce ponne spustarse, ma tutte le elemiende de navigazzione e le otre funziune ca sò disponibbele osce a die pe 'mbostazione predefinite, rumanene.

Piane de le 'mblemendaziune e tiembe

'U teme jè pronde a devendà predefinite sus a tutte le uicchi.

The timeline

Elenghe de le uicchi adottande precoce (uicchi de test) 

'U prime gruppe de uicchi (signate cumme ※ sus a linèe d'u tiembe aqquà sus):

'U seconde gruppe de uicchi (signate cumme † sus a linèe d'u tiembe aqquà sus):

'U terze gruppe de uicchi (signate cumme ‡ sus a linèe d'u tiembe aqquà sus):

'U quarte gruppe de uicchi (signate cumme § sus a linèe d'u tiembe aqquà sus):

'U prime gruppe de uicchi piccenne (signate cumme ¶ sus a linèe d'u tiembe aqquà sus): 

Partecipe & Condatte

  • 'Scrivete a' niusletter
  • Traduce: danne 'na màne a traducere le pàggene collegate:
Traduziune prioritarie 


  1. Letture/Web/Miglioramende a l'inderfacce desktop
  2. Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Frequently asked questions
  3. Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Features

Otre traduziune prioritarie

  1. Template:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Talk page intro
  2. Template:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Features/Navigation
  3. Template:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Header
  4. Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Updates
  5. Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Repository#posts
  6. Template:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Office hours announcement

Collegamende dirette a tutte le traduziune

Quale funziune onna essere aggiornate