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Xwendin / Web / Sermaseya Pêşveçûn

From mediawiki.org
< Reading‎ | Web
This page is a translated version of the page Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements and the translation is 24% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Ev 12 sal in ku dîtbarî ya Wîkîmedyaya xwerû ya niha (Vektor) hatiye danîn. Di van deh salên dawî de, navber bi berfirekirin, gadgetên û nivîsarên bikarhêner dewlemend bûye. Piraniya van ne bi dîtbarî û ne jî bi hev-wîkî hatine hevrêz kirin. Di heman demê de, sêwirana malperê û hem jî hêviyên xwendevan û edîtoran pêş ketine. Em difikirîn ku dem hatiye ku em hinek ji van ramanan hildin û wan bi rêkûpêk û bi rêkûpêk bi rêkûpêk û bi rêkûpêk bigihînin ezmûna xwerû ya hemî bikarhêneran, li ser hemî wikiyan.

Between 2019 and 2023, we were building a new skin. Armancên me ew e ku em wikimediayên Wikimedia bêtir bixêrhatin û bikêrhatî di nav xwendevanan de zêde bikin û karanîna ji bo edîtorên heyî biparêzin. Em zêdebûna pêbaweriyê û hestiyariya erênî ya li hember malperên xwe û karanîna malperên xwe (bikaranîna kiryarên hevpar ên wekî lêgerîn û guheztina ziman) dipîvin.

In 2022, the new skin became ready to be the default. Since then, we are introducing it on more and more wikis. Ultimately, we need to have one skin as the default everywhere. This is because keeping two as the default indefinitely is impossible.


Armanca me çi ye?

Wardrobeyek xeyal bikin

Heya niha, pêwendiya…

…ne li gorî hêviyan....tevlihev e û ne têgihîştî ye.…aliyê civakê ronî nake....bi guhertoya mobîl re ne lihevhatî ye.

  1. Navbera sermaseyê bi hêviyên ku ji hêla platformên tevnvî yên nûjen ve hatî afirandin li hev nake. Ew xwe ji hev veqetand û veqetandî hîs dike. Girêdanên navîgasyon û navbeynkariyê bi rengek bêkêmasî têne organîze kirin.
    • Readers were unable to understand the purpose, terminology, and concepts of available tools such as the main menu, user menu, and page tools.
    • Editors found the hierarchy of the navigation to be confusing for newcomers.
    • Editors and other contributors wanted easier access to tools they used frequently.
    • Editors expressed interest in having fewer, but more prominent, ways to begin contributing.
  2. Tevliheviyek heye ku bikarhêneran ji balkişandina li ser tiştê ku ji bo wan hatine dûr dixe. Ji xwendevanan re dijwar e ku bala xwe bidin naverokê. Ne mumkin e ku ew bi awakî biguhezînin zimanan, li naverokê bigerin, an mîhengên xwendinê rast bikin. Edîtorên nû nikanin têgihîştina xwe bikar bînin da ku hesabê xwe saz bikin, edîtorê vekin, an fêr bibin ka meriv çawa rûpelên ne-gotarê ji bo mebestên nermkirinê bikar tîne.
    • Too much information density and navigational elements on the page made it difficult to focus on a particular reading or editing task.
    • Readers found it difficult to navigate the page and spent a lot of time scrolling.
    • Readers found it difficult to search for information that is relevant to them.
    • Multilingual readers were not aware of language switching functionality.
    • Readers wanted to have an easy way to view the table of contents throughout the page.
    • Character count per line was more than three times the recommended value.
  3. Rêjeyek pir hindik a xwendevanan fam dikin ka Wikimedia çawa dixebite. Pir xwendevan haya wan jê tune ku naveroka ku ew dixwînin ji hêla dilxwazan ve hatî nivîsandin û bi gelemperî têne nûve kirin, an ku ew dikarin potansiyel jî beşdar bibin.
  4. Cûdahiya mezin di ezmûnan de di navbeyna meya sermaseyê, serîlêdan û tevna mobîl de, ji xwendevanan re dijwar dike ku hilberên me ve girêbidin. Di têgîna malperên Wîkîmedyayê de yekîtî tune ye.

Guhertin çawa têne çêkirin


Em dest nadin naverokê.Em ji bilî Vector skinên din naguherînin.Em tu fonksiyonê jê nabin.Em di yek gavê de guhertinên mezin nakin.

  1. Em tenê li ser navberê dixebitin. Di warê şablonên şêwazê, strukturên naverokên rûpelê, piştgiriya nexşeyê, an şablonên cross-wiki de dê ti xebat neyê kirin.
  2. Çermên ji bilî Vektorê li derveyî çarçoveya verastkirinên me ne. Me Vector to Legacy Vector cemidand, û dest bi bicihkirina taybetmendiyên xwe wekî parçeyên Vektora nû ya xwerû.
  3. Dibe ku hêmanên navberê li dora xwe bigerin, lê hemî tiştên navîgasyon û fonksiyonên din ên ku niha ji hêla xwerû ve têne peyda kirin dê bimînin.
  4. Her çend guheztinên me bi hêsanî têne xuyang kirin jî, em nêzîkatiyek pêşkeftî digirin û dixwazin ku malper ji xwendevan û edîtoran re bidomîne. Her taybetmendî ji hev cuda tê nîqaş kirin, pêşve xistin û bicîh kirin.

Process for developing the features

  1. 2019: Problem identification research with both readers and editors – We studied the way people used the site. We identified the largest usability issues as well as obstacles in becoming more engaged with reading or editing. We did this by interviewing readers and editors across multiple countries and locations. We also surveyed gadgets and user scripts. Some of them deserved to be surfaced and be a part of default experience. (See the links: Research and design: Phase 1, Research and design: Phase 2.)
  2. 2019–2022: Prototype development and testing – We built out the ideas for features and began showing prototypes. Each feature was tested with readers and editors through interviews and on-wiki prototype testing. We used Central Notice banners across multiple languages and Wikimedia projects. Each prototype was tested by approximately 200 editors on average. (Example)
  3. 2020–2023: Refining and building – We refined or changed the features based on the outcomes of the prototype testing. In some cases, we asked for additional opinions to ensure we were making the right decisions.
  4. 2020–2023: A/B testing and other quantitative testing on wikis – This was the "beta" phase:
    • We performed tests for whether the features worked as expected based on the previously defined criteria of success. We made "before and after" comparisons or performed A/B tests. As the latter, we gave a new feature to 50% of users and compared them to the other 50%. After two weeks we compared the results.
    • If we received negative results, we identified the reasons across different audiences and made changes to the feature. Then, we would test the feature again. In the case of significantly negative results, we rolled back our changes. (Example)
    • Mebesta me ew e ku em bi hevkarî digel komek cihêreng wiki-yên dilxwaz ên destpêkê pejirandî, hem Wikipedias û hem jî projeyên xwişk, pêşkeftinên xwe biceribînin.
    • We also monitor usage across all wikis, where many account holders have been already using the new skin.
  5. 2022 – onwards: Deployments on more and more wikis – The results of testing and subsequent analysis concluded that our changes result in improved usage of the skin, and save time previously spent in scrolling, searching, and navigating. We interpret this as an easier and more comfortable reading experience. There are no negative effects to pageviews, account creation, or edit rates. Knowing this, we continue to roll out the skin on more and more wikis.

Çi taybetmendî dê bêne zêdekirin

Plana bicihkirinê û rêzika demê

Dîtbarî ya niha amade ye ku li ser her wiki-yê xwerû bibe.

Year Month Deployments
2019 gulan First team discussions
2020 tîrmeh/tebax The new logo , collapsible sidebar , and limited content width introduced on the first early adopter (pilot) wikis , including French Wikipedia
îlon The new search widget is introduced
2021 hezîran The new language switching is introduced
sibat Deployments on more pilot wikis, including Bengali, Korean, and Portuguese Wikipedias
2022 tebax The new user menu is introduced
kanûna paşîn The new sticky header is introduced
Deployments on more pilot wikis, including Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese Wikipedias
sibat The changes are separated out from the Vector legacy code to a new skin "Vector 2022"
gulan The new table of contents is introduced
hezîran The skin is introduced on the last pilot wikis, including Catalan and Japanese Wikipedias
The first visual refinements are introduced
çiriya pêşîn Deployments on the smallest Wikipedias
çiriya paşîn The new full/limited-width toggle button is introduced
kanûna pêşîn Deployments on Arabic and Greek Wikipedias
2023 kanûna paşîn Deployment on English Wikipedia
sibat The full/limited width preference becomes persistent for logged-out users
adar The new page tools menu is introduced
nîsan Deployment on Polish Wikipedia
gulan Deployment on Spanish Wikipedia
tebax Deployment on Chinese (zh) and several smaller Wikipedias
çiriya pêşîn Deployments on Swedish, Hungarian, Dutch, Hindi, Norwegian bokmål Wikipedias
Also on Meta-Wiki and most Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikiquotes and Wikiversity wikis
çiriya paşîn Deployments on most Wikivoyages and Wiktionaries
The last visual refinements (known as Zebra 9) are introduced
2024 adar Deployments on most Wikisources and Foundation internal wikis

Tevlî bibin & Têkilî

  • Bibin aboneyê nûçenameya
  • Yek bi yek biceribîne: di Vebijarkan de, vebijarka Vector (2022) kontrol bike. Her weha hûn dikarin guhertinên me bi karanîna Tercîhên gerdûnî çalak bikin.
  • 'Pêşvebirin: Civaka xwe agahdar bikin. nûvekirin û mesajên blogê me parve bikin.
  • Çewtiyan rapor bikin: ji bo raporkirina xeletiyekê, di Phabricator de peywirek çêbikin û projeya #Desktop Improvements Vector 2022 lê zêde bikin.
  • Wergerandin: ji me re bibe alîkar ku em rûpelên têkildar wergerînin:
Wergerên pêşîn 


  1. Xwendin / Web / Sermaseya Pêşveçûn
  2. Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Frequently asked questions
  3. Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Features

Wergerên din ên pêşîn

  1. Template:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Talk page intro
  2. Template:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Features/Navigation
  3. Template:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Header
  4. Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Updates
  5. Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Repository#posts
  6. Template:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Office hours announcement

[$rasterast Girêdana rasterast a hemî wergeran]