Phlogiston/Meeting Notes/2017-04-27 Collaboration Phlogiston


Should Collab team experiment with pointing?[edit]


Roan's time to point (which is less expensive this quarter because he's about to make a bunch of tasks) Team's time to double-check his estimates

Joe/Roan/Joel's time to maintain pointing for new stuff in the future, using Phlog query as shortcut.


Possibly more accurate quarterly forecast by mid or end of May.  Note however that we got a usably accurate forecast for Q3 without using points.

Generation of estimates, and team review of estimates, may each clarify scope of work or how to do it; review can be done asynchronously.

One-time research project to learn about potential value of pointing with Collab team/Roan.


what system to point with?  VE uses 1/8/40, numerical version of T-shirt sizing

Historically, Collaboration has used 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.

Separating Interrupt work[edit]

Currently, the Collaboration team's main quarterly project (e.g., Q3 ERI or Q4 ERI) contains a lot of work not actually related to that project, such as bug fixes to work from previous quarters.  This is because the work must go through the columns on the Q3 board in order for developers and Elena to see it and process it.  If we could separate this work, it would make the other burnups more accurate, and it might be useful to see the % of Collaboration team work that is interrupt.  (Note that Trevor makes assumptions about this number in his department planning, so real data would be helpful.)

Joel's note on review of discussion: Since Collaboration's Phlogiston categories are defined by the intersection of the Quarterly board, which has the process columns, and more goal-specific projects like "ERI" and "Flow", why not just make a "Collaboration-Interrupt" project and use it exactly like the other active projects?  I.e., put interrupt work on the Quarterly board and also on the Interrupt board, and it should be visible to the team and separately reported in Phlogiston.

Phlogiston issues[edit]

confirm: Of the three velocity charts, which ones are rolling periods (last 7 days, 8-14 days ago) and which are fixed periods (current month, previous month).?