Milkshake/Manual testing


Thank you for helping to test the Universal Language Selector.

Document goals[edit]

The goal of this document is to allow moderately tech savvy users to comprehensively test the following Universal Language Selector features in their entirety:

Testing the language selector for user interface language[edit]

  1. Clean the cookies in your browser.
  2. Enter <URL> (a wiki in language X, which is different from the user's language Y)
    • Check: The site's menus are in language Y
    • Check: There's a ULS icon at the top, with the name of your language
  3. Press the language name. The language selector is supposed to open.
    • Check: moving the mouse over the map reveals the region names.
    • Check: your language's name appears in the "Common languages" area. (assuming geolocation)
  4. Scroll down in the language list.
    • Check: Can you scroll down all the way to "Pacific".
  5. Refresh (Ctrl-F5)
  6. Open the language selector.
  7. Press the geographical region on the map where you live.
    • Check: The language list shows the region.
    • Your language appears in the list. (You may have to scroll down.)
  8. Click your language.
    • Check - the site reloads with content in the site's language and menus in your language.
  9. A tooltip appears at the top with the name of the previous language. Click the language name.
    • Check - the site reloads with content and menus in the site's language.
  10. Type your language's ISO code in the search box and press Enter immediately.
    • Check - the site reloads with content in the site's language and menus in your language.
  11. Open the language selector and scroll down to "Worldwide". Select Esperanto.
  12. A tooltip appears at the top with the name of your language. Click the language name.
    • Check - the site reloads with content and menus in the site's language.
    • Check - Esperanto appears in "Common languages".
  13. Search for "russian" (like that: in English, not in your language).
    • Check - "русский" appears in the search results.
  14. Search for Hindi in your language.
    • Check - "हिन्दी" appears in the results.
  15. Search for "aklocpa".
    • Check - Common languages are shown with the titile "No results".
  16. Search for "deutsh" (like that - not "deutsch"!)
    • Check - "Deutsch" appears in the search results.
  17. Search for "Francais" (like that - not "français"!)
    • Check - "français" appears in the search results.
  18. Click "français".
    • Check - the site reloads with content in the site's language and menus in French.

Logged in[edit]

  1. Log in.
    • Check - the site reloads with content and menus in the site's language.
  2. Click the language selector icon.
    • Check - Esperanto doesn't appear in Common languages.
    • Check: moving the mouse over the map reveals the region names.
    • Check: your language's name appears in the "Common languages" area. (assuming geolocation)
  3. Scroll down in the language list.
    • Check: Can you scroll down all the way to "Pacific".
  4. Refresh (Ctrl-F5)
  5. Open the language selector.
  6. Press the geographical region on the map where you live.
    • Check: The language list shows the region.
    • Your language appears in the list. (You may have to scroll down.)
  7. Click your language.
    • Check - the site reloads with content in the site's language and menus in your language.
  8. A tooltip appears at the top with the name of the previous language. Click the language name.
    • Check - the site reloads with content and menus in the site's language.
  9. Type your language's ISO code in the search box and press Enter immediately.
    • Check - the site reloads with content in the site's language and menus in your language.
  10. Open the language selector and scroll down to "Worldwide". Select Esperanto.
  11. A tooltip appears at the top with the name of your language. Click the language name.
    • Check - the site reloads with content and menus in the site's language.
    • Check - Esperanto appears in "Common languages".
  12. Search for "russian" (like that: in English, not in your language).
    • Check - "русский" appears in the search results.
  13. Search for Hindi in your language.
    • Check - "हिन्दी" appears in the results.
  14. Search for "aklocpa".
    • Check - Common languages are shown with the titile "No results".
  15. Search for "deutsh" (like that - not "deutsch"!)
    • Check - "Deutsch" appears in the search results.
  16. Search for "Francais" (like that - not "français"!)
    • Check - "français" appears in the search results.
  17. Click "français".
    • Check - the site reloads with content in the site's language and menus in French.

Logged out again[edit]

  1. Log in.
    • Check - the site reloads with content and menus in the site's language.
  2. Click the language selector icon.
    • Check - Esperanto appears in Common languages.

Testing the display of web fonts[edit]

  1. Clean the cookies in the browser.
  2. Go to <URL> (an English wiki)
  3. Open the language selector
  4. Press "Display settings".
  5. Press "English" in the top row of buttons.
    • Check - The language of the language selector box changes to English.
    • Check - Font for English is "system font".
  6. Select "Opendyslexic" in the "Fonts for English" dropdown.
    • Check - the font in the box changes to Opendyslexic (with wide lines in the bottom). <THIS DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAPPEN NOW>
  7. Select "System font" in the fonts dropdown.
    • Check - the font of the box changes back.
  8. Press your language name in the top row of buttons.
    • Check - The language of the language selector box changes to your language.
    • Check - There are two dropdowns for fonts - "Select font for English" and "Select font for <your language>".
  9. Select <THE FONT> as the font for your language.
    • Check - the font in the box changes to <THE FONT> (with wide lines in the bottom). <THIS DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAPPEN NOW>
  10. Press "Apply settings".
  11. Go to <URL> (a sandbox page in the wiki)
  12. Edit the page and write <span lang="<CODE>">TEXT IN THAT LANGUAGE</span>
  13. Save the page.
    • Check - the page is reloaded and the typed text appears in the selected font.
  14. Open the language selector.
  15. Press "Display settings".
  16. Press "..." in the top buttons row.
  17. Find Kannada. (<OR ANOTHER LANGUAGE IF THE USER'S LANGUAGE IS KANNADA.> "ಕನ್ನಡ" is supposed to appear. Select it.
    • Check - The language of the language selector box changes to Kannada.
  18. Select "Gubbi" as the font for Kannada.
  19. Check - the font in the selection box changed.
  20. Log in and repeat the procedure.

Testing the typing tool[edit]

A typing tool is a component that allows keyboard strokes to be received as input. In this way users can enter characters and symbols not found on their input devices.

Set up your test environment[edit]

  1. Enter <XXX: URL>
  2. Select your language using the Universal Language Selector at the top.
    1. Not every language has a typing tool. If your language does not have a typing tool, and you think it needs one, please have a look at the technical specification. If you cannot create a typing tool for your language, or do not have the time to do it, please request a typing tool at the GitHub issue tracker.

<XXX: Add screenshots>

Text input in the search box[edit]

Click in the search box.

  1. Check that a keyboard icon appears next to the search box.
  2. Does any language appear as current in the language selector in the search box?
  3. Is it your user interface language?
  4. If your language doesn't appear in the search box, does it appear in the drop-down list? If it does, select it.
  5. If it doesn't appear in the list, press "more languages" ("...")
  6. Select your language
  7. Open the help page with the description of the layout using the keyboard selector.
  8. Type a beginning of a page name words in your language according to the instruction. (TODO: prefill the wiki with some pages)
  9. Are page names that begin with these letters appearing in the search auto-complete under the search box?
  10. (If the language has more than layout:) Select a different layout. Try to type. Does it come as the newly selected layout?

Text input for editing a page[edit]

  1. Click the "create a new page" link (TODO: create the link)
  2. Click the page edit area.
  3. Check that a keyboard icon appears next to the editing area.
  4. Does any language appear as current in the language selector in the search box? Is it your language?
  5. If your language doesn't appear in the search box, does it appear in the drop-down list? If it does, select it.
  6. If it doesn't appear in the list, press "more languages" ("...")
  7. Select your language
  8. Try writing a page. Does it work as expected?
  9. Select a different language and a different layout. Try to type. Does it come as a different language?
  10. Disable the keyboard layout. Try to type. Does it come as the system keyboard?
  11. Select your language in the keyboard layout selector. Try to type. Is the last layout which you used for typing this language selected and working?
  12. Go to the edit summary line. Can you see the layout selector? Is your language selected? Can you type in that layout?


  1. Go to <URL> (TODO: prepare a different page for typing)
  2. Click the search box and check the layout selector. Check that your language and your layout are selected.
  3. Disable the layout tool.
  4. Go to <URL> (TODO: prepare a different page for typing)
  5. Click the search box and check the layout selector. Check that the layout tool is disabled.
  6. Type something. Check the characters from the system layout are coming.
  7. Repeat as a logged-in user