Meza/Setup Elasticsearch plugins


Installed plugins[edit]

At present there are two Elasticsearch plugins installed:

WARNING: all pre-installed plugins may be removed in future versions of meza since they are not often used, not accessible by default, and anyone who wants to use them likely can figure out how to install them on their own.

Enabling access[edit]

At present meza does not have a built in method to enable access to Elasticsearch and plugins from a remote web browser. For now, do the following:

WARNING: This method opens Elasticsearch up completely. Anyone will be able to view and modify your indexes. This should be used in development only!

Open firewall port 8008:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8008/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Add HAProxy rule for 8008 --> 9200 by editing /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg, and add the following:

frontend elastic-front
bind *:8008
mode http
default_backend elastic-back

backend elastic-back
mode http
option forwardfor
balance source
option httpclose
server es1 weight 1 check inter 1000 rise 5 fall 1

Restart HAProxy: sudo systemctl restart haproxy

Use browser to access: http://<your domain or IP address>:8008

WARNING: This method opens Elasticsearch up completely. Anyone will be able to view and modify your indexes. This should be used in development only!

Accessing each plugin[edit]

To access each plugin, navigate to the following URIs:

  • Kopf: http://<your-domain>:8008/_plugin/kopf
  • Head: http://<your-domain>:8008/_plugin/head