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This page is a translated version of the page Manual:AttachLatest.php and the translation is 16% complete.
MediaWiki version:


attachLatest.php file is a maintenance script that fixes incorrect values in the page_latest field in the database. The program is looking for pages with column page_latest from the table page set to 0. For these pages, it then attaches the latest revision of that page according to the revision timestamp. The script finally prints out the number of pages, which have been or would be changed.

attachLatest.php does not check, if the revision, which is set as page_latest actually exists. If the page_latest field points to a non-existing revision, attachLatest.php, unless used with the --regenerate-all parameter, will not fix this.


Vaihtoehto Description Pakollinen?
--fix To actually change the database. Optional
--regenerate-all To regenerate this field for all records in table page. Optional

Without any parameter, it will display what will be fixed, but not changes will be done to the database.


php maintenance/run.php attachLatest [ --fix| --regenerate-all ]
In MediaWiki version 1.39.10 and earlier, you must invoke maintenance scripts using php maintenance/scriptName.php instead of php maintenance/run.php scriptName.

Dry run to check pages


Fixing the pages


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