![]() | 此功能已在版本1.28.0中完全移除。 |
数据库设置: $wgAllDBsAreLocalhost | |
使所有数据库连接秘密链至localhost。 |
引进版本: | 1.13.0 (r32818) |
移除版本: | 1.28.0 (Gerrit change 311084; git #5bc9b990) |
允许的值: | (布尔值) |
默认值: | false |
其他设置: 按首字母排序 | 按功能排序 |
Make all database connections secretly go to localhost. Fool the load balancer thinking there is an arbitrarily large cluster of servers to connect to. Useful for debugging.
For example you might have a configuration like:
$wgLBFactoryConf = array(
'class' => 'LBFactoryMulti',
'sectionsByDB' => array(
'wikidb' => 's1',
'sectionLoads' => array(
's1' => array(
'localhost' => 0,
'somewhereElse' => 0,
'place20' => 300,
'place21' => 300,
'place3' => 400,
'place31' => 400,
'serverTemplate' => array(
'dbname' => $wgDBname,
'user' => $wgDBuser,
'password' => $wgDBpassword,
'type' => 'mysql',
'flags' => ( $wgDebugDumpSql ? DBO_DEBUG : 0 ) | DBO_DEFAULT,
'max lag' => 30,
'fakeSlaveLag' => 1, // Needed since the "slaves" aren't really slaves
$wgAllDBsAreLocalhost = true;
Which would cause MediaWiki to behave like it had 6 db servers (1 master + 5 slaves), when really you just have the 1 DB on localhost.