Growth/Communities/How to configure the mentors' list/lv
Vai tev ir interese kļūt par mentoru? Paldies!
The Growth team offers a mentorship system to all Wikipedia communities. The goal is to pair newcomers with mentors, on-wiki.
Mentori ir pieredzējuši dalībnieki, kas ir gatavi palīdzēt jauniem dalībniekiem. Tie ir galvenais faktors, lai piesaistītu un mudinātu jaunus lietotājus rediģēt vikivietnes.
Newcomers are made aware of their mentor at the Newcomer's homepage.
Mentors know who they mentor at the mentor dashboard.
Please check our resources on how to interact with newcomers and then introduce yourself as a mentor.
- In short,
- In order to become a mentor, please add your name to the list of mentors. It is possible at wikis where a list of mentors exists.
- If the list doesn't exist, you have to setup the list of mentors at your wiki.
Mentoru attēlošana sākumlapā

Jaunpienācēju sākumlapa ir paredzēta, lai palīdzētu jaunpienācējiem pirmajos soļos Vikipēdijā. Sākumlapa nejauši piešķirs tevi kādam jaunpienācējam: tu būsi viņa mentors.
Mentors are randomly assigned to multiple newcomers, but not all of them contact their mentor. On average, a mentor receives between 0 to 6 questions each week from newcomers.
Kā pievienot sevi mentoru sarakstam
Thank you for volunteering to be a mentor! It is a rewarding experience.
Visit the Mentor Dashboard
Some wikis have created a specific page with the mentor list, but also rules or best practices to follow. You may find your community's page on Wikidata. This list will tell you what are the conditions to be a mentor, if any condition apply. By default, the signup process is opened to editors who have 500 edits and 90 days of presence.
By default, the mentor list for your wiki is located at Special:ManageMentors
. There, you can see who is a mentor.
If your wiki has setup the mentorship program, and if you qualify to be a mentor according the local rules, please visit Special:MentorDashboard
to signup.
Add your description
You will be asked to describe yourself as a mentor. This short description is displayed on the newcomer's homepage. Sākumlapā ir vieta, kas šos jaunpienācējus ļauj tev iepazīstināt ar sevi. Pēc noklusējuma šis iepazīstināšanas teksts ir: "Šis pieredzējušais dalībnieks zina, ka esi iesācējs un var palīdzēt tev apgūt labošanu.".
The description's length is 240 characters maximum. If it is longer, the system will cut the description. Aprakstam nepievieno vikitekstu (ne saites, ne veidnes), HTML vai CSS: tas to sabojās.
Admins can edit your description using Special:ManageMentors
(Tulkojumu dēļ zemāk minētie piemēri var pārsniegt 240 rakstzīmju ierobežojumu.)
Tu vari iepazīstināt ar sevi ar kaut ko neitrālu:
- "Es esmu šeit, lai palīdzētu tev iepazīt Vikipēdiju, lūdzu, droši jautā palīdzību!"
Tev ir pietiekama pieredze, lai atbildētu uz jebkuru jautājumu. Neliec cilvēkiem domāt, ka vari palīdzēt tikai ar kaut ko specifisku.
- Neraksti "Es laboju rakstus par futbolu." Jaunpienācēji var padomāt, ka jautājumus varēs uzdot tikai par futbola tēmām.
- Labāk raksti: "Es pārsvarā laboju ar futbolu saistītus rakstus, bet iespēju robežās varu palīdzēt ar jebkuru citu tēmu."
Tu vari ielūgt cilvēkus sazināties ar tevi:
- "I can help you with your questions about editing Wikipedia. I'm mostly contributing to football-related topics. What would be your area of contributions?"
- "I was as confused as you are now. But asking questions to experienced users helped me. Please feel free to ask me any question!"
Please briefly introduce yourself: 240 characters max. That limitation is set to avoid lengthy text that would overload the information already visible on the Homepage. Wikitext will not be rendered for the same reason. To learn more about you, newcomers can visit your user page, that is linked from their Homepage.
Tavs dalībnieka vārds jau būs redzams sākumlapā. Nav nepieciešams to minēt vēlreiz aprakstā.
Welcome templates
Communities can create or edit their welcome templates, using the magic word {{#mentor}}
. This magic word will display the newcomers' mentor's name. This way, you can sign the welcome message with the mentor's name to have a coherent onboarding process.
If the mentor changes, then the magic word picks the new mentor's name.
There might be a welcome template specifically made for mentors to give to their mentees to help with the introduction process. For example, the English Wikipedia has {{Mentor welcome}}.
You are ready
After you signed-up, the system will start assigning you new mentees. Regularly visit Special:MentorDashboard
to keep an eye to the newcomers assigned to you.
Newcomers will also start contacting you directly on your talk page. Don't forget to mention them when you reply to their messages. Please also check our documentation on how to interact with newcomers.
Izveido mentoru sarakstu
1. Agree on having mentorship
First, you need to check if the Growth tools are deployed at your wiki. If it is not yet the case, please see how to get the features.
Pēc tam tev jāatrod daži citi brīvprātīgie mentori.
We encourage you to start a conversation at the relevant places at your wiki, in order to decide if this mentor list should be created. This is also a good way to recruit mentors. Izaugsmes mentoru sistēma var aizvietot vai papildināt esošu mentorēšanas sistēmu.
Based on our observations, we advise having one mentor for each group of 500 new users your wiki gets per month. For instance, if your wiki has 2,500 new accounts per month, your should have at least 5 mentors.
Mēs iesakām sarakstā iekļaut vismaz 3 mentorus. Mentors can sign up before the mentorship system is activated, at Special:EnrollAsMentor
2. Activate mentorship
At your wiki, an admin has to turn on the mentorship system, using the configuration page (Special:CommunityConfiguration
3. List of mentors
The list of mentors will be displayed on Special:ManageMentors
You can transclude the list of mentors anywhere with the following syntax: {{Special:ManageMentors}}
If you decide to create a page where you transclude the list of mentors, please list it on Wikidata.
At the configuration page, you add some criteria to define who can be a mentor. By default, the requirements are more than 500 edits made and an account that is at least 90 days old.
Your community can also define some specific rules on who can be a mentor (age of the account, how many edits made, number of edits made on main space, having a specific role, etc.), and then give the mentor role to any account. If you want to use this process, please contact us.
4. Mentors can now signup
In order to become a mentor, please add your name to the list of mentors.
Mentors can manage their account:
- Claim a newcomer from another mentor
- Reassign mentees to other mentors
- Pause mentorship
- Quit mentorship
The system provides options to manage mentors: