Team Practices Group/Measuring Types of Work/FY2016Q2

The Team Practices Group (TPG) was dissolved in 2017.
  1. Efforts from all initially participating teams documented and completed
  2. Maintenance fraction data from at least five teams collected
    1. Notes:
      1. data includes:
        1. % data
        2. methodology
        3. definitions
  3. Two teams committed to ongoing tracking (for quarter? for 2 quarters?)
  4. Ongoing tracking teams report maintenance fraction data
    1. covering (50% | 70 % | 85 % | 100 %) of all WMF work
  5. WMF Best Practice for Maintenance Fraction documented and validated
    1. Foundation-wide working definitions documented and agreed
      1. Notes: By whom? By everyone using them:
        1. teams for self-eval
        2. Terry et al for budgeting planning
        3. community
        4. Who else?
    2. cost-benefit documented
    3. decided if it's applicable outside of Engineering
  6. Best Practice adopted by x% of Engineering teams