Extension talk:JIKI

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subTaskIs are not visibles

1 (talkcontribs)

Trying to filter issues by fix version but non of subtasks are displayed.

How to disable "issuetype not in subTaskIssueTypes()". Tried <jira fixversion="4.5.6" jikiAllowSubtasks="yes"></jira>

still no subtasks.

Reply to "subTaskIs are not visibles"
Jamal22066 (talkcontribs)

Please note that the version obtained from github needs the following file path specified in LocalSettings:

require_once "$IP/extensions/JIKI/Jiki.php";

instead of JIKI.php specified in uppercase as the documentation suggests. Using the uppercase for the file name results in a 500 error on the site.

Novac1993 (talkcontribs)

I changed the instructions, now the folder needs to be called "Jiki" as well though.

Reply to "Fix file path"
Summary by Mainframe98

Template:ExtensionInstall linked to the extension distributor

Jamal22066 (talkcontribs)

This extension should be archived sine the download link sends you to the Extension distributor page which does not list this extension as available for download.

Mainframe98 (talkcontribs)

It is available on Github, where it is maintained. I've fixed the link.

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