This extension is not setup to work with wikieditor. Even after adding changes suggested below, the nothing shows up in the GUI with the wikieditor. I like this extension better than Multiboilerplate, because it is supposed to be able to insert at the cursor. Hopefully it will get updated at some point in the future.
Extension talk:BoilerRoom
It does... but you need to include the extension it in your LocalSettings prior to the wikieditor extension.
Here's how to fix BoilerRoom to work with 1.39:
In extensions/BoilerRoom/includes/BoilerplateNamespace.php:
class BoilerplateNamespace {
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
In the line that says:
return new BoilerplatePage( $boilerplateWikiPage->getContent( Revision::RAW )->getNativeData() );
change it to:
return new BoilerplatePage( $boilerplateWikiPage->getContent( RevisionRecord::RAW )->getNativeData() );
In your LocalSettings.php:
Add at the bottom:
$wgUseAjax = true;
In extensions/BoilerRoom/includes/BoilerRoomInit.php:
In the line that says:
$wgHooks['ParserBeforeStrip'][] = Array( BoilerplateTag::getInstance(), 'processPage' );
Change it to:
$wgHooks['ParserBeforeInternalParse'][] = Array( BoilerplateTag::getInstance(), 'processPage' );
Getting this error when editing a page:
Use of undefined constant DB_SLAVE - assumed 'DB_SLAVE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in BoilerplateNamespace.php on line 94
I am also having this issue. I replaced DB_SLAVE with DB_REPLICA in BoilerplateNamespace.php and the error went away, but the extension doesn't seem to be applying the dropdown or buttons. Seems like the bug patched in 1.3.2 has resurfaced, or a bug similar to it.
In addition to replacing DB_SLAVE with DB_REPLICA, in extension.json, remove the mediawiki.notify dependency as it's now part of the core code in 1.35.
This should fix the issue.
After upgrading MW to MW1.27.1 from 1.22, I've encountered multiple issues. When using BoilerRoom v1.1, the drop downs appear but info will not insert into the edit window. BoilerRoom 1.22 and 1.23 do not show the drop down and give the error:
Notice: Undefined variable: options in .../mediawikitest/extensions/BoilerRoom/includes/BoilerRoomSelector.php on lines 42, 45, 47.
Any advise on how to get this extension working again.
Apologies if I am being thick (it has been a long day) but I believe the main page for this wonderful looking Extension needs to have a section entitled "How to populate the drop-down list". That ought to have something that looks like this:
- go here
- do this
- then this
- then you list will be populated
- go to your actual wiki page & click edit & then use your new toolbar to insert whatever you choose from the drop-down list.
Than you.
Again, tremendous Extension. Just what we have been looking for.
Thanks, Jason
Simply create pages using the <boilerplate></boilerplate> tags in the boilerplate namespace. The list auto populates.
I agree with Jason - it's a useful extension but a little more help would make it more usable. Not everyone will be familiar with MediaWiki jargon, so something as simple as saying 'the boilerplate namespace means any page that starts with "boilerplate:"; you can easily create a new page by searching ...' and linking to a simple definition of namespaces for those who need more information.
More to the point, does boilerplate work with the enhanced editing bar?
Please edit the extension page yourself if you can think of better descriptions! :-)
I tried to use Boilerplate with MW1.22 and WikiEditor enabled. This results in no editor being shown when trying to edit/create a page (no only Boilerroom missing, but the whole WikiEditor form). I could not find any php or js error. Disabling WikiEditor and returning to th estandard editor makes BoilerRoom work.
Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in extensions/BoilerRoom/includes/BoilerRoomSelector.php on line 230
This is occurring because it is attempting to implode a null variable because there are no titles in the BoilerPlate namespace.
Using an install of MW version 1.21.1 I found that other extensions were blocked from using preload= on the url bar. I disabled all extensions, and created a manual url preloading a page. It worked fine. One by one I reloaded the extensions (so only was active at any given time) and found that this extension rendered preload non-functional even from a manually crafted URL.
This renders other extensions such as Extension:Inputbox (packaged by default with 1.20 onward) Extension:CreateBox fully or partially inoperable.
Just wanted to post a heads up and ask for a prompt fix as I need all three (the two non-functional plus this one.)
The Boilerplate options are hidden (or missing) when using the enhanced editing bar with the latest mediawiki, any idea how to correct this?
Apologies if I am being thick (it has been a long day) but I believe the main page for this wonderful looking Extension needs to have a section entitled "How to populate the drop-down list". That ought to have something that looks like this:
- go here
- do this
- then this
- then you list will be populated
- go to your actual wiki page & click edit & then use your new toolbar to insert whatever you choose from the drop-down list.
Than you.
Again, tremendous Extension. Just what we have been looking for.
Thanks, Jason
I've installed InputBox and with this I'm able to preload a page with some text using a simple button.
I wish to install also BoilerRoom for those users, like me, able to choose which text to be inserted into a page, but with BoilerRoom InputText is not longer able to preload the text.
Oops. I use the RSS feature to monitor my watchlist, and apparently these threads don't send a notification. So, apologies, but I only just now noticed these messages.
I'll look into both InputBox and WikiEditor compatibility as soon as I can, but I have a couple smaller projects I have to attend to first.