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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:SoftwareVersion and the translation is 100% complete.
Ekstensi MediaWiki
Status rilis stabil
Implementasi other (invalid type)
Deskripsi Kustomisasi Special:Version untuk ShoutWiki
Perancang awal
Versi terbaru 0.6.1 (2017-01-28)
MediaWiki 1.43.0+
Lisensi Lisensi Publik Umum GNU 2.0 atau lebih baru
Contoh ShoutWiki
  • $wgSoftwareVersionExecutablePath
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Public wikis using 6,841 (Ranked 28th)
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The SoftwareVersion extension resets MediaWiki's version on Special:Version to $wgVersion and adds a new column into Special:Version with information about the current SVN revision.

This extension was written by Jack Phoenix for ShoutWiki. ShoutWiki used its own Subversion (SVN) repo instead of the official MediaWiki Subversion (at svn.wikimedia.org), and ShoutWiki wanted to display the current (internal) SVN revision on Special:Version and have it displayed on its own column instead of being displayed in the MediaWiki column; because code revision r1000 is different for the official MediaWiki SVN and ShoutWiki's internal SVN.

If the site's source code is running from SVN's trunk, the new column in Special:Version will show "trunk". If it's running from /tags/weekly/, it will show whatever is the name of the "branch". ShoutWiki had weekly releases tagged as /tags/weekly/release date, i.e. /tags/weekly/20101001, so the new column in Special:Version would display "20101001".


  • You will want to customize the extension to remove the ShoutWiki references, because chances are that you're not running ShoutWiki's version of MediaWiki ;-)
  • Unduh dan letakkan berkas-berkasnya di dalam sebuah direktori yang bernama SoftwareVersion di folder extensions/ Anda.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/SoftwareVersion
  • Tambahkan kode berikut di bagian bawah LocalSettings.php Anda:
    wfLoadExtension( 'SoftwareVersion' );
  • Yes Selesai – Telusuri ke Special:Version di wiki Anda untuk memastikan ekstensinya berhasil dipasang.