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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:SimpleBatchUpload and the translation is 43% complete.

The Professional Wiki team maintains this extension professionally.
Professional Wiki provides official support for MediaWiki LTS releases only. It may work with other MediaWiki releases.
发行状态: 稳定版
实现 特殊页面 , 解析器函数
描述 允许简单、基本地上传多个文件
作者 Stephan Gambke (F.trott留言)
维护者 Professional Wiki
最新版本 2.0.1 (2023-12-07)
兼容性政策 对于每个有长期支持的MediaWiki发行版本,扩展内都有对应的分支。
MediaWiki 1.35+
PHP 8.0+
Composer mediawiki/simple-batch-upload
许可协议 GNU通用公眾授權條款2.0或更新版本
下載 Latest stable

  • $wgSimpleBatchUploadMaxFilesPerBatch

SimpleBatchUpload扩展允许基本的、不加修饰的多个文件上传到MediaWiki的“Special:BatchUpload”,使用jQuery File Upload的JavaScript库。



将以下代码添加到MediaWiki的composer.local.json文件中,然后从MediaWiki安装目录运行php composer.phar update mediawiki/simple-batch-upload

	"require": {
		"mediawiki/simple-batch-upload": "^2.0"

只需再次运行php composer.phar update mediawiki/simple-batch-upload




wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleBatchUpload' );


要使用此扩展,需要writeapi 权限。 此为MediaWiki对已注册用户的默认设置,但其也可能在配置wiki的过程中更改过。



  • Go to Special:BatchUpload to get a plain upload page
  • Go to Special:BatchUpload/Foo to get an upload page that sets {{Foo}} as the wikitext of the uploaded file's page
  • Add {{#batchupload:}} to any wikipage to get a simple upload button
  • Add {{#batchupload:Foo|Bar|Baz}} to any wikipage to get an upload button that sets {{Foo|Bar|Baz}} as the wikitext of the uploaded file's page
  • Add {{#batchupload:Foo|+rename=!^(Qux-[./+]*)?!iu -->Qux-}} to get an upload page that sets {{Foo}} as the wikitext of the uploaded file's page and whose filenames are all given the prefix "Qux-".
此wikitext将仅为新上传文件设置。 如果文件已存在,之后上传的新版本文件不会更改wikitext。


It is possible to specify dedicated upload pages for specific file types by editing the MediaWiki:Simplebatchupload-parameters page. Each line of that page is considered as one set of parameters.

Available parameters are:

  • Name of the template to be stored as text on initial upload
  • Upload comment
  • Title line of the Special:BatchUpload/subpage page.

Parameters should be separated by pipes (|).

The line to be used is selected by appending the name of the template as the subpage to the URL of the Special:BatchUpload page.

Spaces in the name of your template will cause this process to fail.


Consider the parameter line

 Pics | These pics were uploaded using [[Extension:SimpleBatchUpload{{!}}SimpleBatchUpload]] | Upload some pics!
  • This can be selected by going to Special:BatchUpload/Pics.
  • The title of this page will be "Upload some pics!".
  • The comment for the upload will be "These pics were uploaded using SimpleBatchUpload".
  • If a file with that name is uploaded for the first time, it will have {{Pics}} as wikitext.



Array defining the maximum number of files that can be uploaded each time depending on the user group. When a user is trying to upload larger batches of files, an error message is displayed.


$wgSimpleBatchUploadMaxFilesPerBatch = [
	'*' => 1000,
Be aware that this is neither the correct setting to block file uploads nor to throttle them!

Users can still use the regular file upload or the MediaWiki API.

For selectively blocking uploads see 手册:配置文件上传 . For throttling uploads see $wgRateLimits .
