![]() Status wydania: stabilne |
![]() |
Opis | Provides the Special page Special:RottenLinks. |
Autor(zy) | John Lewis, Universal Omega |
Opiekun(owie) | Miraheze system administrators |
Ostatnia wersja | continuous updates |
MediaWiki | 1.39+ |
PHP | 7.2+ |
Zmiany w bazie danych | Tak |
Composer | miraheze/rotten-links |
Licencja | Licencja GNU General Public License 3.0 lub nowsza |
Pobieranie | GitHub: README CHANGELOG |
The RottenLinks extension provides the special page "Special:RottenLinks", which shows a table of all external links on your wiki pages, and tells you their status.
For reporting an issue or a bug, please use Miraheze Phabricator. See here for the workboard.
- Download i umieść plik(i) w katalogu o nazwie
w swoim kataloguextensions/
. - Dodaj poniższy kod na dole twojego pliku LocalSettings.php :
wfLoadExtension( 'RottenLinks' );
- Uruchom skrypt aktualizujący, który automatycznie stworzy potrzebne tabele dla tego rozszerzenia.
- Configure as required.
- Run the following script to populate the special page "Special:RottenLinks":
php extensions/RottenLinks/maintenance/updateExternalLinks.php
Zrobione – Przejdź do Special:Version na twojej wiki, aby sprawdzić czy rozszerzenie zostało pomyślnie zainstalowane.
If you would like to use RottenLinks with MediaWiki 1.39, you have to use the REL1_39 branch.
- Holds a list of HTTP codes that are considered bad. Defaults to
[ "0", "400", "401", "403", "404", "405", "502", "503", "504" ]
. $wgRottenLinksCurlTimeout
- Sets the timeout for cURL in seconds. Defaults to
. $wgRottenLinksHTTPProxy
- Sets a proxy to use for requests. Defaults to
(use no proxy). Example:$wgRottenLinksHTTPProxy = "http://username:password@proxy.example.com:8080";
- Holds a list of protocols that should not be checked for validity. Defaults to
[ "tel", "mailto" ]
. $wgRottenLinksExternalLinkTarget
- Sets the external link target (
for the current tab or_blank
for new tab). Defaults to_self
. $wgRottenLinksExcludeWebsites
- List of websites to blacklist checking of response codes for. Defaults to
. Omit the protocol, e.g. use$wgRottenLinksExcludeWebsites = [ "www.example.com" ];
Run the "updateExternalLinks.php" script provided with the extension every time you would like to create or update the list of rotten links shown on special page "Special:RottenLinks".
![]() | To rozszerzenie jest dołączone do następujących farm/hostów wiki lub pakietów: To nie jest pełna lista. Niektóre farmy/hosty wiki lub pakiety mogą zawierać to rozszerzenie nawet jeśli nie są one tutaj wymienione. Zawsze sprawdzaj swoje farmy/hosty wiki, aby to potwierdzić. |
![]() | This extension is maintained by Miraheze. Some Miraheze extensions are very Miraheze-specific and you may encounter issues you don't see on Miraheze. To report a bug or request a configuration change, please do so on the Miraheze Issue Tracker and not on Wikimedia Phabricator. |
- Stable extensions/pl
- Extensions with invalid or missing type/pl
- Extensions supporting Composer/pl
- GPL licensed extensions/pl
- Extensions in GitHub version control/pl
- LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates extensions/pl
- All extensions/pl
- Extensions included in Canasta/pl
- Extensions included in Miraheze/pl
- Extensions included in WikiForge/pl
- Extensions by Miraheze/pl
- Wiki farm extensions