
From mediawiki.org


  • it isn't clear how the newsletters are ordered
  • permissions model is binary? publisher or not? this seems a bit weird...
  • how many publishers can a single newsletter have?
    • how do I add or remove a publisher?
  • action column is large unused, except for a single remove button?
    • okay, so the answer here is possibly to combine both table columns ("Permissions" and "Action") into a single "Actions" column, where "publisher" turns into a pencil icon or something, maybe grayed out if the user doesn't have publisher permission, and the "remove" button becomes a trash can icon or an "x"
  • not clear what the contributors column is... single username?
    • not sure this column is needed at all
  • it isn't possible to order any of the table columns
  • how does this scale when there are 500 newsletters? is there pagination support?
    • Yes, we use TablePager class
  • not sure "announce this newsletter" should live under "manage newsletters"... there should probably be a dedicated Special page for this?
  • "title of issue's main page" text input should support page autocompletion using AJAX
  • newsletter names should be links to the Special:Newsletter/1234 pages


  • why are we outputting the newsletter ID? who cares?
  • how do I edit any of the fields???
  • could redo key:\n value layout with a simple sentence at the top saying "FooBar is a yearly newsletter about main page. This newsletter has 45 subscribers and is published by UserA and UserB."; this might be less awkward and easier to understand quickly
    • "Main page" probably doesn't need a "hist" link?


  • frequency input is awkward; probably shouldn't default to other with a text input
  • not clear why the frequency field exists
  • "Title of Main Page" should support page title autocompletion using AJAX
  • if all fields are required, say so initially
  • how is name of newsletter distinct from newsletter main page; are both fields needed?
  • description field seems to be plaintext; needs further thought


  • instructions say preferences can be changed at Special:Preferences... is this true currently?
  • http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:ManageNewsletter says "Contributors" while http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:Newsletter/2 says "Publisher"; pluralization mismatch; word choice mismatch?
  • You may subscribe to this newsletter by pressing the "Subscribe" button if you wish to do so. <-- this instruction really shouldn't be needed, just include the subscribe button again at the bottom? or move the button to the bottom?
  • intro text at http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:Newsletter/2 is awkward ("This page allows you to view details about specific newsletters. There is also an overview of all newsletters on this wiki."); none of that text should be necessary...
  • why is "Subscriber count" at http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:Newsletters a text input?
  • why are newsletters with 0 subscribers listed at http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:Newsletters ? maybe they should be...
  • "A newsletter with the same name already exists. Try again with another name" error appears when "Title of Main Page" is already reserved; this error message is confusing and wrong; the newsletter name is not already taken, the main page is, right?
  • successful submission of <http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:CreateNewsletter> should probably just lead directly to <http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:ManageNewsletter> with the success note at the top of the page, probably
    • or go directly to Special:Newsletter/12345
  • "Description" field at http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:Newsletters is output without sanitization
    • XSS issue for sure
  • frequency text input allows weird inputs such as "after the twelfth hour of the twelfth day of the t"
  • offered a non-functioning "Delete" button at <http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:Newsletter/16>
    • publisher can't delete own newsletters?
    • don't offer a button a user can't press
      • results in permissions error for me
  • http://newsletter-test.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:ManageNewsletter <-- what does remove button do? seems to make table row temporarily disappear only