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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:MyVariables and the translation is 10% complete.
This extension is professionally maintained by the WikiTeq team.
WikiTeq provides official support for MediaWiki LTS releases only. It may work with other MediaWiki releases.
Manual de extensões do MediaWiki
Estado de lançamento: estável
Implementação Variável
Descrição Adds new built-in variables
Responsável(eis) WikiTeq team
Última versão 4.3 (2021-09-23)
Política de compatibilidade Por cada lançamento do MediaWiki que seja um lançamento 'Suporte a Longo Termo' existe um ramo correspondente na extensão.
MediaWiki 1.31-1.35, 1.39
Alterações à base de dados Não
Licença GNU - Licença Pública Geral 2.0 ou superior
Quarterly downloads 25 (Ranked 110th)
Traduza a extensão MyVariables se ela estiver disponível em translatewiki.net
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The MyVariables extension adds new built-in variables:

Variable Descrição Sample
{{currentuser}} Login of current user or the IP for anonymous users. "Pastakhov" or "x.x.x.x"
{{currentloggeduser}} Login of current user or empty for anonymous users. "Pastakhov" or ""
{{currentuserrealname}} Real name of current user. "Pavel Astakhov"
{{hitcounter}} Number of visits (hits) to the current page according to Extension:HitCounters or empty if the extension isn't installed. "123" or ""
{{logo}} Path to wiki logo. "/w/skins/common/images/wiki.png"
{{uuid}} Random (v4) UUID. "65ba1a51-c723-4b9d-b1f3-13148d628322"
{{userlanguagecode}} Language that the user specified in the preferences. "en", "en-ca", "ru", etc.
{{userregistration}} Timestamp of the date at which the user registered or empty if the page isn't a user page. "20100809003006" or ""
{{firstrevisionid}} ID of the first revision of the current page or empty if page isn't yet created. "1" or ""
{{firstrevisiontimestamp}} Timestamp of the first revision of the current page or empty if page isn't yet created. "20100809003006" or ""
{{firstrevisionuser}} The user name (without the User prefix) or IP address associated to the first revision of the current page or empty if page isn't yet created. "Pastakhov", "x.x.x.x" or ""
{{pageimage}} The main image of the current page as determined by Extension:PageImages . If the extension is not installed or no main image was determined then {{PAGEIMAGE}} will output nothing. "Logo.png" or ""
{{realname}} When used in a user page, will output the real name of the user. However, if used like this {{REALNAME:Jimbo}} it will output the real name of the user Jimbo. This dual behavior is similar to core variables like {{PAGENAME}}. "Pastakhov" or ""
{{redirects}} Comma-separated list of redirects to the current page or empty if there're no redirects. "Foo, Bar, Baz" or ""
{{subpages}} The subpages of the current page, in plain text, comma-separated and in alphabetic order. If there are no any subpages, it will output nothing. "Pastakhov/Subpage1, Pastakhov/Subpage2" or ""
{{whatlinkshere}} The titles of the pages that link to the current page, comma-separated and in alphabetic order. It will be empty if there are no linked pages. "Bar, Baz, Foo" or ""


  • Exporte e coloque o ficheiro, ou ficheiros, num diretório chamado MyVariables, na sua pasta extensions/.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/MyVariables
  • Acrescente o seguinte código ao fundo do ficheiro $LocalSettings:
    wfLoadExtension( 'MyVariables' );
  • Yes Pronto – Na página especial Special:Version da sua wiki verifique se a extensão foi instalada.


  • This extension should not be confused with the Variables extension, which allows the use of variables in the computer programming sense.

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