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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:LoginNotify and the translation is 6% complete.
This extension comes with MediaWiki 1.40 and above. 따라서 다시 다운로드하지 않아도 됩니다. 하지만 여전히 제공되는 별개의 지침을 따라야 합니다.
미디어위키 확장 기능 설명서
출시 상태: 안정
구현 User activity
설명 의심스러운 로그인을 사용자에게 알림
만든 이 Brian Wolff (Bawolff토론)
최신 버전 0.1
MediaWiki >= 1.43
데이터베이스 변경
테이블 loginnotify_seen_net
라이선스 MIT 허가서
  • $wgLoginNotifySeenBucketSize
  • $wgLoginNotifyExpiryNewIP
  • $wgLoginNotifyExpiryKnownIP
  • $wgLoginNotifyEnableOnSuccess
  • $wgLoginNotifyUseSeenTable
  • $wgLoginNotifyAttemptsKnownIP
  • $wgLoginNotifyCacheLoginIPExpiry
  • $wgLoginNotifyCookieExpire
  • $wgLoginNotifyUseCentralId
  • $wgLoginNotifyCookieDomain
  • $wgLoginNotifyUseCheckUser
  • $wgLoginNotifySeenExpiry
  • $wgLoginNotifyMaxCookieRecords
  • $wgLoginNotifyAttemptsNewIP
  • $wgLoginNotifyCheckKnownIPs
  • $wgLoginNotifySecretKey
Quarterly downloads 25 (Ranked 114th)
Public wikis using 904 (Ranked 277th)
LoginNotify 확장 기능 번역 (translatewiki.net에서 가능한 경우)
이슈 미해결 작업 · 버그 보고

LoginNotify 확장 기능은 누군가 당신의 계정에 로그인할 때 그것을 당신에게 알립니다. It can be configured to give warnings after a certain number of failed login attempts (The number is configurable, and can be different between unknown IPs/devices and known IPs/devices). It can also give Echo notices (which can also be emailed) for successful logins from IPs you don't normally use. It can optionally integrate into the CheckUser extension in order to determine if the login is from an IP address you don't normally use. It can also set a cookie to try and determine if the login is from a device you normally use.


This extension requires the Echo extension to be installed.

  • 파일을 다운로드하고 LoginNotify 폴더를 extensions/ 디렉토리에 넣어 주세요.
    개발자와 코딩 기여자는 Git을 이용해 확장기능을 다운받는 것이 좋습니다.cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/LoginNotify
  • 아래의 코드를 LocalSettings.php 코드의 마지막에 추가합니다.
    wfLoadExtension( 'LoginNotify' );
  • Configure as required.
  • Yes 완료 – 위키의 ‘Special:Version’에 이동해서, 확장기능이 올바르게 설치된 것을 확인합니다.

This extension can optionally integrate with the CheckUser extension if it is installed, but does not require it.


Once LoginNotify is installed, whenever a user logs into the wiki, their IP subnet is cached on the server and a cookie named loginnotify_prevlogins is stored in their browser. These tokens, optionally along with CheckUser tables, are used to see if subsequent logins are coming from a known IP/device.

If CentralAuth and CheckUser are installed, it will check the IP not only for the current wiki, but also the ten wikis where the user is most active.


Parameters that can be set in the LocalSettings.php file:

Name Description Default
$wgLoginNotifyAttemptsKnownIP The number of failed login attempts to permit from a known IP before a notification is triggered. 10
$wgLoginNotifyAttemptsNewIP The number of failed login attempts to permit from a new IP before a notification is triggered. 3
$wgLoginNotifyExpiryKnownIP The time-to-live of the count of failed login attempts from a known IP (from the time of the first failed attempt). 604800 (7일)
$wgLoginNotifyExpiryNewIP The time-to-live of the count of failed login attempts from a new IP (from the time of the first failed attempt). 1209600 (14일)
$wgLoginNotifyCheckKnownIPs Whether to trigger a notification after failed logins from known IPs. true
$wgLoginNotifyEnableOnSuccess Whether to trigger a notification after successful logins from unknown IPs. true
$wgLoginNotifyEnableForPriv Set different default notification preferences for different user groups. For user groups that have any of the user rights listed in this array, the preferences specified in Hooks:getOverridenOptions() are on by default. ("Failed login attempts" web notifications and "Login from new computer" web notifications.) [ "editinterface", "userrights" ]
$wgLoginNotifySecretKey Use this key instead of $wgSecretKey to generate the HMACs for the cookie. null
$wgLoginNotifyCookieExpire Expiration of the cookie. 15552000 (180일)
$wgLoginNotifyCookieDomain To allow sharing login cookies between sites on different subdomains, set this to the parent domain name. null
$wgLoginNotifyMaxCookieRecords Maximum number of users (records) to track as having successfully logged in on a particular device. 6
$wgLoginNotifyCacheLoginIPExpiry How long to cache IPs in memcache. Set to false to disable; set to 0 to cache forever. 5184000 (60일)