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MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: stable
Implementation Special page , Hook
Description Provides a contact form for visitors
Author(s) Daniel Kinzler, Sam Reed
Latest version Continuous updates
Compatibility policy Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible.
PHP 5.4+
Database changes No
License GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
Example nl.wikipedia.org
  • $wgContactConfig
Quarterly downloads 44 (Ranked 94th)
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The ContactPage extension implements a contact form for visitors. It creates a special page "Special:Contact", which is similar to "Special:EmailUser", but it has a fixed recipient, and may be used without registering.

Installation and configuration

  • Download and move the extracted ContactPage folder to your extensions/ directory.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/ContactPage
  • Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
    wfLoadExtension( 'ContactPage' );
    $wgContactConfig['default'] = [
        'RecipientUser' => null, // Must be the name of a valid account which also has a verified e-mail-address added to it.
        'RecipientEmail' => 'Contact Form on ' . $wgSitename,  // 'Contact Form on' needs to be translated
        'RecipientName' => null,
        'SenderEmail' => null, // Defaults to $wgPasswordSender, may be changed as required
        'SenderName' => null,
        'RequireDetails' => false,
        'IncludeIP' => false,
        'MustBeLoggedIn' => false,
        'MustHaveEmail' => false, // True means the user submitting the form must have an associated email address
        'NameReadonly' => false,
        'EmailReadonly' => false,
        'SubjectReadonly' => false,
        'UseCustomBlockMessage' => false,
        'Redirect' => null,
        'RLModules' => [], // Resource loader modules to add to the form display page.
        'RLStyleModules' => [], // Resource loader CSS modules to add to the form display page.
        'AdditionalFields' => [
    	'Text' => [
    		'label-message' => 'emailmessage',
    		'type' => 'textarea',
    		'required' => true
    	'FieldsMergeStrategy' => null
  • See the README file for further options to customize and adapt as it convenes.
  • Yes Done – Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.
You can require a CAPTCHA test for the contact page if you have the ConfirmEdit extension installed. CAPTCHAs are enabled by adding
$wgCaptchaTriggers['contactpage'] = true;
to "LocalSettings.php" below the invocation of both extensions.

Further customization

  1. Add the following code (with the correct URL inserted) to your "LocalSettings.php" file:
    $wgHooks['SkinAddFooterLinks'][] = function( Skin $skin, string $key, array &$footerlinks ) {
        if ( $key === 'places' ) {
            $footerlinks['contact'] = Html::element( 'a',
                    'href' => 'https://www.example.org/wiki/Special:Contact',  // URL to "Special:Contact"
                    'rel' => 'noreferrer noopener'  // not required, but recommended for security reasons
            $skin->msg( 'contactpage-label' )->text()
  2. Add the label for "Special:Contact" to system message MediaWiki:Contactpage-label.

Creating complex forms

See HTMLForm and related pages for more information on the possibilities available to create more complex forms.


Users of some hosting providers such as SiteGround and Amazon SES may get a PHP mail error or one that says that the FROM email address is not configured in the server, despite $wgPasswordSender being configured correctly and other email functionality working as expected. A fix for this issue is described here.

See also

  • Extension:EmailPage - Allows sending fully rendered articles with embedded CSS to users, groups, or contact lists
  • Extension:CIForms - Forms with auto-validation, multiple choice questions and cloze tests