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This page is a translated version of the page Extension:CampaignEvents and the translation is 7% complete.
Nie mylić z Extension:Campaigns.
Podręcznik rozszerzeń MediaWiki
Status wydania: stabilne
Realizacja Strona specjalna , Skórka
Opis Provides features for event organizers and participants
Autor(zy) Campaigns Team
Polityka zgodności Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master nie jest kompatybilny wstecznie.
Zmiany w bazie danych Tak
Domena wirtualna virtual-campaignevents
Tabele campaign_events
Licencja Licencja GNU General Public License 2.0 lub nowsza
  • $wgCampaignEventsEnableEventInvitation
  • $wgCampaignEventsProgramsAndEventsDashboardInstance
  • $wgCampaignEventsProgramsAndEventsDashboardAPISecret
  • $wgCampaignEventsEnableWikimediaParticipantQuestions
  • $wgCampaignEventsSeparateOngoingEvents
  • campaignevents-enable-registration
  • campaignevents-delete-registration
  • campaignevents-organize-events
  • campaignevents-email-participants
Quarterly downloads 13 (Ranked 126th)
Przetłumacz rozszerzenie CampaignEvents jeżeli jest dostępne na translatewiki.net
Problemy Otwarte zadania · Zgłoś błąd

CampaignEvents is a MediaWiki extension, created and maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation Campaigns Team, which provides tools for organizing and running events, including registration, communication and an organizer dashboard. See Registration for more information.


  • Pobierz i umieść plik(i) w katalogu o nazwie CampaignEvents w folderze extensions/.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/CampaignEvents
  • Dodaj poniższy kod na dole twojego pliku LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadExtension( 'CampaignEvents' );
  • Uruchom skrypt aktualizujący, który automatycznie stworzy potrzebne tabele dla tego rozszerzenia.
  • Schedule a cronjob that runs the #script to update timezones (optional), and one for the #script to aggregate participant answers.
  • Yes Zrobione – Przejdź do Special:Version na twojej wiki, aby sprawdzić czy rozszerzenie zostało pomyślnie zainstalowane.


User rights

Right Description
campaignevents-enable-registration Włączanie rejestracji na wydarzenia
campaignevents-delete-registration Usuwanie rejestracji na wydarzenia
campaignevents-organize-events Organizowanie wydarzeń
campaignevents-email-participants Wysyłanie e-maili do uczestników wydarzeń


Variable name Default value Description
$wgCampaignEventsProgramsAndEventsDashboardInstance null Determines which instance of the P&E Dashboard should be used, if any. Supported values are 'production', 'staging', or null to not use the dashboard.
$wgCampaignEventsProgramsAndEventsDashboardAPISecret null API secret to use with the selected P&E Dashboard instance. Must be configured if you intend to use the P&E Dashboard.
$wgCampaignEventsEnableWikimediaParticipantQuestions true Whether to enable Wikimedia-specific questions that can be asked to participants, such as whether they belong to a Wikimedia affiliate.

The extension can be configured to store data into a database other than the main wiki DB. You do so by configuring the virtual-campaignevents domain, see Manual:$wgVirtualDomainsMapping . For instance:

$wgVirtualDomainsMapping['virtual-campaignevents'] = [ 'db' => 'my_central_db' ];

This is especially useful in combination with a central database that stores event for a whole wiki family. Note, if you do so, that the wiki farm needs to use central user IDs .


Maintenance scripts

Script to update timezones

The extension stores the local time and timezone for each event, to guarantee that the local time remains accurate even if time zone rules change. However,internally it also stores UTC timestamps so that certain operations like sorting are possible. The UTC timestamps may go out of sync with the local ones if time zone rules change, which happens more commonly than you may think. You can read more details. In order to mitigate that, the extension provides a maintenance script that recomputes the UTC timestamps for all events according to the latest timezone rules, and stores them back into the database.

In order for this to work, you have to make sure that PHP has access to the latest version of the tz database. The PHP manual provides some context about this. The easiest solution is to install the timezonedb PECL package and make sure to keep it up-to-date.

Assuming that PHP has access to the latest timezone rules, you can run the script with:

$ php maintenance/run.php ./extensions/CampaignEvents/maintenance/UpdateUTCTimestamps.php

The script also takes an optional --timezone parameter where you can specify the name of a time zone whose rules changed; this parameter can be repeated multiple times. If passed, the script will only update events whose timezone matches one of the timezones specified via this parameter.

If you upgrade the time zone database automatically (e.g., with a cronjob), you can make that job also execute this script, so that you don't have to do it manually every time you upgrade the time zone database.

Script to aggregate participant answers

The extension provides a maintenance script that aggregates participant answers after a 90 day period. The script can be run with:

$ php maintenance/run.php ./extensions/CampaignEvents/maintenance/AggregateParticipantAnswers.php

The script should be configured to run automatically (e.g., as a cronjob) to make sure that PII isn't retained for longer than it needs to.

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