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Extension:Add HTML Meta and Title/es

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Add HTML Meta and Title and the translation is 4% complete.
Manual de extensiones de MediaWiki
Add HTML Meta and Title
Estado de la versión: sin mantenimiento
Implementación Etiqueta
Descripción Allows for easier SEO (search engine optimization) with MediaWiki.
Autor(es) Jim Wilson, Dennis Roczek (dennisroczekdiscusión)
Última versión 0.7 (2015-09-29)
MediaWiki 1.24+
Cambios en la base de datos No
Licencia Licencia MIT
Traduce la extensión Add HTML Meta and Title si está disponible en translatewiki.net

The Add HTML Meta and Title extension allows for easier SEO (search engine optimization) with MediaWiki. It is based in part on the extension MetaKeywordsTag .


When you enter the following in a wiki page:

<seo title="word1,word2" metakeywords="word3,word4" metadescription="word5,word6" google-site-verification="123456789-abfd123456" />

...or the shorter...

<seo title="word1,word2" metak="word3,word4" metad="word5,word6" google-site-verification="123456789-abfd123456" />

...these words are added to the HTML title and meta headers. This makes SEO (search engine optimization) with MediaWiki easier.

For example, the above would become:

<title>word1,word2 - Wiki Name</title>         (the string "word1,word2" replaces page title)
<meta name="keywords" content="word3,word4" />
<meta name="description" content="word5,word6" />
<meta google-site-verification="123456789-abfd123456" />

(These are new meta tags - existing metas are left untouched.)


  • Descarga y extrae los archivos en un directorio denominado «AddHTMLMetaAndTitle» dentro de la carpeta extensions/.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/AddHTMLMetaAndTitle
  • Añade el siguiente código en la parte final de tu archivo LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadExtension( 'AddHTMLMetaAndTitle' );
  • Yes Hecho – Navega a Special:Version en el wiki para verificar que la extensión se haya instalado correctamente.


  • added support for PHP CodeSniffer checks.
  • fixed any remaining errors and warnings.
  • added Google's site verification tag.
  • modified to work with MW versions 1.1.2 and up (Revision by Mic)
  • have put $emt=""; in the parseSEO function because I got some nasty PHP notice for an unitialised variable...
  • added htmlspecialchars() as a filter to the text that is displayed in the title and meta - anything else needed to prevent malicious people? Creo que no. (If you are an English speaker you may want to use the htmlentities PHP function, which is more restrictive.)
  • Initial version - everything works.

See also