Developer Satisfaction Survey/2021/Categories/Phabricator


📖 Developer Satisfaction 2021

The developer satisfaction survey is an annual survey of the Wikimedia developer community.


Chart of Phabricator satisfaction for 2021


💬 Phab search still sucks (sorry but it's true) :-(


41% of comments about Phabricator were negative comments about search

Raw Data[edit]

Question Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Responses
Phabricator is my primary work management tool for Wikimedia work 48 32 1 0 0 81
I know how to file a bug in Phabricator 58 20 2 1 0 81
I know how to find and engage with individuals and teams on Phabricator 35 28 10 5 3 81
I know how to use Phabricator project workboards 42 26 7 5 1 81
I know how to find existing tasks/issues in Phabricator 40 28 8 3 2 81
I'm comfortable using the search in Phabricator 28 27 11 11 4 81