Core Platform Team/Initiatives/Developer Portal prototype review


Initiative Description

< Initiatives


With the completion of the Documentation Portal prototype, we'll need to determine next steps before going to production.

This project is for soliciting feedback, doing one or more revisions of the prototype, and confirming a plan to go forward with the full portal deployment.

Significance and Motivation

There are a number of stakeholders for the documentation portal for Wikimedia developers. Getting buy-in for the documentation portal and accepting feedback and suggestions will provide greater likelihood of acceptance, usage and success for the production version of the portal.

  • Buy-in from stakeholders on Documentation Portal
  • Clear design for Documentation Portal
Baseline Metrics
  • No buy-in from stakeholders on Documentation Portal development
Target Metrics
  • Revised design based on feedback from stakeholders
  • Enthusiastic support for next steps in development of the portal
  • Core Platform Team (we need the review)
  • Developer Advocacy
  • Audiences Design
Known Dependencies/Blockers
  • Documentation Portal prototype
