ChickTech High School Kickoff 2017/Tasks
Document your work on tasks using the template provided below:
Write a user script to count the number of words in an article and display the number at the top of the page
- To my Wikipedia Javascript common page, I added the following lines, which displays the word count in an article.
var a = $("#bodyContent").text();
var wCount = a.split(" ").length;
var $wordOutput = $("<p>Word Count: " + wCount + "</p>").css("font-size", "large");
$( "#bodyContent" ).prepend($wordOutput);
Write a user script to count the number of paragraphs in an article and display the number at the top of the page
- To my Wikipedia Javascript common page, I added the following line, which displays the number of paragraphs in an article with the title.
$("#firstHeading").append(" " + $("p").length);
Write a user script to change the font color to red and the font face to bold
- Changed font color of body content to red
- Changed font face of body content to bold
.mw-body-content {
color:red !important;
.mw-body-content {
font-weight:bold !important;
Write a user script to count the number of images in an article and display that number at the top of the page
- First, I found the tags of the images and put them into the variable "numImages"
- Then, I added numImages to the Header
var numImages = $("img").length;
var header = $("h1").text();
$("h1").text(header + " (" + numImages + " images)");
Write a user script to replace all images in an article with an image of your choice
- Changed all article images to display an image of a cat
var cat = "";
$("img").attr("srcset", cat);
Write a user script to calculate the estimated reading time of an article
- First, I collected all of the words in the article and stored them in the variable "numWords"
- then, I divided the number of words by 200 (the average wpm) to get the amount of minutes it would take to read the article
var numWords = $("#mw-content-text > div").text().split(" ").length;
var headerWords = $("h1").text().split(" ").length;
var totalWords = numWords + headerWords;
var timeInMinutes = totalWords / 200;
var header = $("h1").text();
$("h1").text(header + " (it will take you " + timeInMinutes + " mins to read this article)");
Write a user script to add a zoom toggle button on an article page that allows you to increase/decrease the font size of the text on an article
- This script adds 3 buttons on the right of the article title:
- Zoom in by one pixel
- Zoom out by one pixel
- Toggle between the original font size and the custom font size, modified with the zoom in and out buttons
- The button images come from Google's Material Design Icons.
// toggled by toggle button. also determines which toggle button image to use
var useCustom = false;
// toggleImgs[0] to switch to custom, toggleImgs[1] to revert to default
var toggleImgs = [
var zoomInImg = '//';
var zoomOutImg = '//';
// create DOM elements
$('#firstHeading').append('<div id="zoomButtons">\
<img src="' + zoomInImg + '" alt="zoom in" onclick="zoom(1)">\
<img src="' + zoomOutImg + '" alt="zoom out" onclick="zoom(-1)">\
<img id="toggleButton" src="' + toggleImgs[+ useCustom] +
'" alt="toggle zoom" onclick="toggle()"> </div>');
$('#zoomButtons').css({'float': 'right'});
// find DOM elements used later
var $bodyContent = $('.mw-body-content');
var $toggleButton = $('#toggleButton');
// sizes[0] is default, sizes[1] is custom
var sizes = [parseFloat($('.mw-body-content').css('font-size'))];
// default custom zoom of 2
sizes[1] = sizes[0] + 2;
// the + converts bool to 0 or 1 to use as array index
function updateSize() {
$bodyContent.css({'font-size':(sizes[+ useCustom] + 'pt')});
function toggle() {
useCustom = !useCustom;
$toggleButton.attr('src',toggleImgs[+ useCustom]);
function zoom(dif) {
sizes[1] += dif;
if (useCustom) {
} else {