User:Yair rand/MobileJS.js


Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
// this replaces MobileFrontend/javascripts/opensearch.js and MobileFrontend/javascripts/application.js.
// Assumes that this is in the head, and that pageLoaded is called from the bottom of that body, and
// that #logo has onclick="logoClick()" in the html, and that #results is available.

// handle clicking on headers to expand sections and clicking on links that lead to hidden sections
document.onclick = function(e) { 
	e = e || event;
	for( e = || e.srcElement; e && e.nodeName != "A" && e.className != "section_heading"; ) {
		e = e.parentNode;
	if( e && e.className == "section_heading") { // headers
		wm_toggle_section( parseInt( /section_(\d+)/, '$1' ) ) );
	} else if( e && e.hash && e.hash.indexOf( '#' ) == 0 ) { // links
		wm_reveal_for_hash( e.hash );

var languageSelection;

// called from the bottom of the body
function pageLoaded() { 

	if ( document.location.hash.indexOf( '#' ) == 0 ) {
		wm_reveal_for_hash( document.location.hash );

	var search = document.getElementById('search'), 
		clearSearch = document.getElementById('clearsearch'),
		results = document.getElementById('results'),
		sq = document.getElementById( 'sq' );
	languageSelection = document.getElementById( 'languageselection' );
	clearSearch.setAttribute('title', 'Clear'); // should start with correct title attribute = ( sq.offsetWidth - 2 ) + pixels; = sq.offsetLeft + pixels; = ( sq.offsetTop + sq.offsetHeight )	+ pixels;

	function clearSearchBox() {
		search.value = ''; = = 'none';
		return false;
	clearSearch.onmousedown = clearSearchBox;

	search.onkeyup = function() {
		if ( clearSearch ) { = search.value.length > 0 ? 'block' : = 'none';
		// from bottom
		clearTimeout( timer );
		var term = this.value;
		if ( term.length < 1 ) {
			results.innerHTML = '';
		} else {
			timer = setTimeout( function () { searchApi( term ); }, typingDelay );

	// Try to scroll and hide URL bar
	window.scrollTo( 0, 1 );

// Activated by "onclick='logoClick()'" in #logo html
function logoClick() {
	var n = document.getElementById( 'nav' ).style;
	n.display = n.display == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block';
	if (n.display == 'block' && languageSelection && languageSelection.offsetWidth > 175 ) {
		n.width = (languageSelection.offsetWidth + 30) + 'px';

// Activated by "onchange='javascript:navigateToLanguageSelection();'" in #languageSelection html
function navigateToLanguageSelection() {
	if ( languageSelection ) {
		var url = languageSelection.options[languageSelection.selectedIndex].value;
		if ( url ) {
			location.href = url;


 * updateOrientation checks the current orientation, sets the body's class
 * attribute to portrait, landscapeLeft, or landscapeRight,
 * and displays a descriptive message on "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events".

function updateOrientation() {
	switch (window.orientation) {
	case 0:
		document.body.setAttribute('class', 'portrait');
	case 90:
	case -90:
		document.body.setAttribute('class', 'landscape');

// Point to the updateOrientation function when iPhone switches between portrait and landscape modes.
window.onorientationchange = updateOrientation;

function wm_reveal_for_hash(hash) {
	var targetel = document.getElementById(hash.substr(1));
	if (targetel) {
		for (var p = targetel.parentNode; p && p.className != 'content_block' && p.className != 'section_heading';) {
			p = p.parentNode;
		if (p && != 'block') {
			var section_idx = parseInt('_')[1]);

function wm_toggle_section(section_id) {
	var b = document.getElementById('section_' + section_id),
		bb = b.getElementsByTagName('button');
	for (var i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
		var s = bb[i].style;
		s.display = s.display == 'none' || (i && !s.display) ? 'inline-block' : 'none';
	for (var i = 0, d = ['content_', 'anchor_']; i <= 1; i++) {
		var s = document.getElementById(d[i] + section_id).style;
		s.display = s.display == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block';

var apiUrl = (window.scriptPath?scriptPath:'/w')+'/api.php'; // this actually needs to get the real script path, atm unavailable

var timer = -1;
var typingDelay = 500;
var numResults = 10;
var pixels = 'px';

function searchApi( term ) {
	var xmlHttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' );

	xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
		if ( xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200 ) {
			var response = (window.JSON && JSON.parse ? JSON.parse : eval)( xmlHttp.responseText )[1]; = 'block';
			if(response.length === 0){
				results.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "No results" ) );
			} else { 
				results.appendChild( document.createElement('div') ).className = "suggestions-results";
				for( var i = 0; i < response.length; i++ ){
					var newdiv = results.lastChild.appendChild( document.createElement('div') );
					newdiv.className = "suggestions-result"; // seriously, why does this need a class? can't any css be done as #results>div?
					newdiv.title = response[i];
					newdiv.appendChild( document.createElement('a') ).href = '/wiki/' + response[i];
					newdiv.firstChild.appendChild( document.createTextNode( response[i] ) );
	var url = apiUrl + '?action=opensearch&limit=' + numResults + '&namespace=0&format=json&search=' + term; 'GET', url, true );