Topic on Project talk:Sandbox/Structured Discussions test

test of wiki syntax (and that stupid nowiki insertion)

Sänger (talkcontribs)





  • spiegelstrich
  • noch einer
  1. Aufzählung
  2. die nächste
Noch eine
alle guten Dinge sind 3

Leerzeichen (sprich Kasten)

Tabelle 2. Spalte 3. Spalte 4. Spalte
Text mehr Text noch mehr Text Gelaber

Diese verfickten, merkbefreiten Tabs, die da immer eingefügt weden nerven fast noch mehr als die blödsinnigen nowikis. Das ist ja echt nur Blödsinn hier.

Sänger (talkcontribs)

stupid tabs are being inserted by this stupid blabber-tool.
stupid nowiki-tags are being inserted as well.
and the former leads to the latter if one edits ones post

Jokes Free4Me (talkcontribs)
  1. testing multi-level lists:
  2. # should be 1.1...

## neither of these seem to work though

#* should be UL inside OL...

  • and the UL doesn't fare any better:
  • * ...

** ...

  • # ...

*# ...

Jokes Free4Me (talkcontribs)

As for indenting:

it seems fine, but...
:::::::: Multi-level indenting was never thought of, i guess...

Unless i toy around with the blockquotes:

Level 2...
Level 3

And then it admits you can't VE anymore, and suggests "source mode" ^^

Jokes Free4Me (talkcontribs)

Testing multi-level indents:

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Level 0. (talkcontribs)


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