Topic on Talk:Winter

Improved or Different Header Views?

RandomDSdevel (talkcontribs)

I kind of like it when an article's title replaces the search prompt in Winter right now, but shouldn't the 'Watch Article' star come along for the ride? I also understand how confusing this mechanic can be for people who haven't read up on Winter before test-driving it, so maybe the search bar and the 'article name' bar could be separated but remain side by side? If that were to happen, I'd like to see the 'article views and actions' bar currently residing underneath article titles be merged into this 'article name' bar. Maybe the toolbar could contain, in order, the 'Pin to watchlist' star, a pop-up menu from which you could select either 'Read' or 'Edit,' a pop-up menu from which you could select either 'the article on' or 'discussion about,' the current article's name, an article history button, the 'More' pop-up menu currently at the end of the present 'article views and actions' bar, the search bar, and then, finally, Winter's implementation of the Compact Personal Bar. Or maybe the search bar could still be accessible through a field containing articles' names, but it should just be pointed out to users more obviously that clicking on an article's name would allow them to switch to other articles? Could Winter's search functionality's 'magnifying glass' icon be dimmed? Or could something else differentiate the top bar's functionality for displaying article names and for displaying search terms? Maybe this set of ideas, especially the one about the combined navigation bar, isn't such a good one, though? Should users just have the ability to dock the 'article views and actions' toolbar to the bottom of the main one to create a two-tiered toolbar like the one that already exists in Vector? Perhaps these aren't the best ways to propose how to make Winter's toolbar more useable, though…

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