Topic on Talk:Structured Discussions

Getting things readable when edit and post times are roughly the same

Gryllida (talkcontribs)

It says "edited 11 hours ago - 11 hours ago". This is unhelpful, especially where I'm reading the message first time now; I don't care whether it had any previous versions.

I see some merit in this for the case "my sister read it 11 hours ago and told me about it, now I'm reading it and see different thing from what she told me", I think it does not need to repeat the time twice when I'm reading.

Possibly when

  1. the time is the same and
  2. I didn't read the revision before the edit was made,


  • show the 'edited' thing only on-mouseover (on-hover).

Please share thoughts and perhaps implement this.

As before, I find this perhaps a good first bug; you're usually too quick though.


Gryllida (talkcontribs)

On a related note, when mouse hovers, the approximate times expand into exact timestamps. This may make the design a little more complicated. Nevertheless with some hints this could still be a good exercise for volunteers to get started with contributing to Flow.

Christian75 (talkcontribs)

Gryllida: Which, btw, is extremely impossible to copy/paste (the first time stamp; Edited x hours ago)

DannyH (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I agree that this ought to be changed -- having two time stamps is odd, especially when they're within minutes of each other. I think the answer is to combine them into one -- just have it be "Edited x hours ago" and then that's a link to 'the Topic history page.

Now, this is just me talking off the top of my head, without actually talking to our designer or community lead, so, y'know. But if it magically happened I wouldn't be upset about it.

Gryllida (talkcontribs)

DannyH (WMF): Maybe not even 'edited x hours ago', just 'x hours ago', when their 'xxx ago' form is the same. When it isn't the same, then add the 'edited' word.

Martijn Hoekstra (talkcontribs)

Gryllida: in general, having the edited after the creation date seems to make sense to me. "2 days ago, edited one day ago" feels better to me than "edited one day ago * two days ago", which sounds confusing to me. If we want something really fancy, I would love something like "2 days ago, edited the same day" for a minor edit and "2 days ago, edited the same day: {{editsummary}}" for a non minor edit.

Martijn Hoekstra (talkcontribs)
Gryllida (talkcontribs)

I agree. I'd perhaps also suggest to write the author nickname and the timestamp together, as it's grammatically coherent: "[posted by] Gryllida [at] so-and-so".

Martijn Hoekstra (talkcontribs)

Gryllida: the more I think about this the fancier it becomes. Replies made before the edit could have a small "after this reply was made, edits have been made to the original post (parent? or is that too jargon)"

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

DannyH (WMF): Sounds like a good plan, i've also been a bit annoyed by this.

Gryllida (talkcontribs)

BTW, who is our designer and our community lead? :-)

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