Topic on Talk:Winter

Is Winter not in BetaFeatures anymore?

Summary by Negative24

Winter is apart of VectorBeta and not BetaFeatures.

Negative24 (talkcontribs)

I just did a copy of BetaFeatures master branch and found out that I couldn't enable Winter by adding $wgVectorBetaWinter = true;. I also noticed that all the documentation about the beta features included in BetaFeatures were removed from Extension:BetaFeatures. When was this changed and what can I do to get back Winter?

Gryllida (talkcontribs)

I would also like to see this in beta features.

Gryllida (talkcontribs)

Thought I already left such request somewhere. Don't see it.

Negative24 (talkcontribs)

I forgot that it wasn't in BetaFeatures. It's in VectorBeta but registers with BetaFeatures.

Gryllida (talkcontribs)

Someone said "Winter is apart of VectorBeta and not BetaFeatures.". I don't see who.

Can we have VectorBeta be listed in Beta Features please?

Gryllida (talkcontribs)

And can we please stop closing topics aggressively? Topics need to stay open, unless inactive (for instance, for a week).

No past discussion system locked topics like this. It should not even be technically possible.

Most users will be unable to even re-open the topic, the button is not easy to find.

(I would be happy to dedicate a sub-topic to this question, but this system doesn't let me make subsections here with the expected consequences (a separate discussion, etc). Filed bug bug 69383. about subsections.)

Negative24 (talkcontribs)

I, the original poster, closed the topic because the matter of this one topic was resolved. It is good practice to close topics that have been resolved and if a participant thinks that a discussion should be reactivated then they can reactivate it by replying with the usual method and Flow will take care of the rest. The close topic is used to close a discussion about a particular matter. If something else comes up then a new post should be posted not sub posted in an existing topic. The close topic feature was implemented so that talk pages wouldn't become clogged by old discussions without needing an archive bot. If you wish to pursue this you should do so on Extension Talk:Flow, not here. This page is about Winter not Flow.

Negative24 (talkcontribs)

By the way, it is very obvious who closed the topic. It is displayed prominently at the top of the topic header as "This topic was closed by Negative24" and it seems that replying doesn't un-close a topic. That must have just been changed but once again dispute this on Extension talk:Flow.

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