Topic on Project:Support desk module error => CSS not loading for Vector Skin

BenoitR33 (talkcontribs)


MediaWiki : 1.24.1, PHP : 5.4, MYSQL : 5.1 (not sure though)

My problem : while using rewriterule, and doing some mistakes in the way, I lost the ability to use Vector skin. Problem is, it somehow corrupted something and since then, the CSS does not load anymore. I tried the usual workarounds found here and there like adding "RewriteRule ^(api|load)\.php - [L]" but it did not help at all. All the other skins work perfectly.

When I load the page with Vector Skins I have a 200 OK status.

However, when I see what I get in the CSS file, I get this :

   Problematic modules: {
       "skins.vector.styles": "error"
   // the rest is okay

If I try to use the same load.php url, but instead remove the skins.vector.styles module in SkinVector.php, there is no error anymore. If I change it with skins.monobook.styles, it loads some CSS.

I tried to delete every single files from the Vector folders and put them in again from a fresh downloaded zip but the module seems to be "elsewhere".

How can I restore the skin.vector.styles so it can load the CSS correctly ?

The URL of my Wiki (in french) : It's :

(sorry for bad formatted URL, I get kicked as soon as I put http) (talkcontribs)

As far as I see, load.php basically is displaying CSS codes (and not a wiki page). That - and the fact that it's working for other skins - indicates that your RewriteRules do not break this (at least not currently).

This is a link to see the problem: With &debug=true I get the error:

Problematic modules: {
    "'''skins.vector.styles'''": "missing"

This error happens in includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoader.php when MediaWiki tries to get the module "skins.vector.styles".

The definition for skins.vector.styles is in skins/Vector/Vector.php where the skin registers itself in $GLOBALS['wgResourceModules']['skins.vector.styles'].

As a first fix, I would try doing a TRUNCATE on the objectcache table in the database. This will remove cached stuff and should force MediaWiki to regenerate the skin styles from the base files.

BenoitR33 (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your help. I've tried this solution but it's still not working.

Any other idea?

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Try enabling the debug log and then access . See if the debug log gives any hint of an error condition.

BenoitR33 (talkcontribs)

I've added all that but can't create the log file. Nothing happens.

error_reporting( -1 );
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
$wgShowSQLErrors = true;
$wgDebugDumpSql  = true;

 * The debug log file must never be publicly accessible because it
 * contains private data. But ensure that the directory is writeable by the
 * PHP script running within your Web server.
 * The filename is with the database name of the wiki.
$wgDebugLogFile = "$IP/debug-{$wgDBname}.log";

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Well, I've tested that myself and the load.php entry point doesn't generate logs...

I'd try to take a backup, download MediaWiki again and restore LocalSettings and extensions. (talkcontribs)

Maybe it is not even neccessary to go back to a backup. As a first step, just overwriting the MediaWiki Core files might already be enough.

$GLOBALS['wgResourceModules']['skins.vector.styles'] should not be in LocalSettings.php...

Reply to " module error => CSS not loading for Vector Skin"