Topic on Project:Support desk

Edited Vector Skin - Only my personal Safari renders it

4 (talkcontribs)

I've been working on editing the Vector skin - only CSS, mind you - and I tried to test it in my Firefox, my Chrome, another computer's Safari and Firefox, and none of them display right, at all. It becomes an unstyled white page, with black text and the like, while mine renders as it's supposed to.

Anyone know why?

Here's the link to my wiki.

Florianschmidtwelzow (talkcontribs)

Are you sure you just editing vector?


That is your vector skin. If you just request the main page without specifying what skin you want, there is only one module, which could be a skin (skins.bootstrap), and this loads with an internal error:*

So make sure, that wgDefaultSkin is "vector", or fix the definition and load of your own skin (if you created your own and not edited vector) :) (talkcontribs)

Whoops, forgot to change default. Thanks for the catch! (talkcontribs)

The styles are currently displaying for me: I see red feathers in the upper left-hand corner, then gray and then white to the right. Tested in Firefox.

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