Topic on Extension talk:Semantic Forms Inputs

TiCPU (talkcontribs)

Just noticed in the code that the timepicker is a custom jquery-ui that uses fadeIn/fadeOut, I personally think this should be replaced by show/hide with a shorter timeout as it makes selection very slow. Maybe a better UI should be provided as mobile device will have hard time using this as it is really high in height.

F.trott (talkcontribs)

Hi TiCPU, show/hide would mean to have no timeout at all. Balancing the number of available choices with the need to have something that allows choosing the time with a minimum of mouse clicks/mouse mileage is challenging. If you have ideas on how an improved UI could work, I would be very interested.


TiCPU (talkcontribs)

Maybe a simple dropbox would be enough, as you can configure the increments and start/stop time, most user will use the scroll wheel and mobile will use their dropbox.

I tried using show/hide instead of fadein/out here and it works fine, I then changed the timeout from 400 show / 400 hide to 20 show / 100 hide with nice results, no more delay.

F.trott (talkcontribs)

You can use a simple dropbox already, there is an input type for that. And frankly, scrolling through dozens of values (e.g. 120 for 10 hours) is not my idea of what it should look like.

As for hide vs. fade. I think this is a matter of taste. I will think about shorter delays.

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